Tuesday, December 24, 2019
How Smoking Has Changed Through The Years - 891 Words
How Smoking Has Changed Through the Years (5) Smoking has greatly changed through the years. However, if one thinks about it does smoking control society in a particular way, or does society control the view on smoking. Through time, one can discover that there are many examples that may explain this question. People in the 1960’s thought smoking was considered cool at the time and it was the thing to do. Many people saw smoking as a symbol of statuses such as hard worker, or even an office worker. It showed that one had â€Å"class†because you were a refined person with a good paying job (White, Cameron,Oliffe, Bottorff). In many cases, smoking was considered beautiful for a woman to smoke in addition to their daily beauty routine. It was also associated with a strong, hardworking, and handsome man who all the woman try to get a date with. Many people were misled by the cigarette companies. Who claimed that their cigarettes were easy on the throat. The cigarette companies labeled the cigarette cartons with a picture of a man in a white lab coat that represented a doctor. They also printed on the cartons that they asked your doctor if it was ok to smoke, but in reality, they did not (Gardner, Martha, Brandt). This marketing scheme worked very well to mislead people to believe that cigarettes were healthy for you. Since people see Doctors as intelligent people and are professionals in their respective field and studied medicine for years so people believe them undoubtedly.Show MoreRelatedSmoking Has Changed Through The Years905 Words  | 4 PagesSmoking has greatly changed through the years. However, if one thinks about, it does smoking control society in a particular way, or does society control the view on smoking. Through time, one can discover that there are many examples that may explain this question. People in the 1960’s thought smoking was considered cool at the time and it was the thing to do. Many people saw smoking as a symbol of statuses, such as being a hard worker or even an office worker. It showed that one had â€Å"class†becauseRead MoreAnti Smoking Ads1293 Words  | 6 PagesCDC Anti-Smoking Campaign Ads From the common cold to deadly viruses, there are threats to public health everywhere in the world, whether they are caused naturally, intentionally, or accidentally. Providing strategic direction and support against these threats is a national health organization known as the CDC (or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). The CDC is one of the most predominate national health institutes the United States and the world. Its main office is located in AtlantaRead MoreWhat Are The Inventions To Promote Smoking Cessations Among Teenagers?1072 Words  | 5 PagesOur group chose a research question stating what are the interventions to promote smoking cessations among teenagers. I chose to search the topic through the Chamberlain library database instead of using Google. The database I used from the Chamberlain library is EBSCO Databases – Main Search Page. The terms that I used to search for my article is smoking cessation and adolescent and United States. I wanted to retrieve an article that is not only relevant to the research question, but is able toRead MoreResearch: Tabacco Control and Road Safety in Australia1584 Words  | 7 PagesAustralia’s health population since last 30 years. Improvements grew from advances and technology in medicine and surgery, delivery of quality health care services, and also range of public health programs promotion via an organized approach (NHMRC, Dec 1996, p.7). When we talk about developing and implementing population based interventions strategies, Australia is one of the leading nations of the world which adds up to health of Australians. One must understand how these successes have happened andRead MoreThe Dangers Of Tobacco And Alcohol Companies1576 Words  | 7 Pagesare frequent smokers started prior to the legal smoking age of eighteen years old (Martino 2). A few years ago this underlying problem of smoking and drinking was not a main concern in the minds of the general public, but s ince the dawn of the health era these health concerns pose a daunting topic for health officials. The Marlboro girls, women representing beauty and class, not cancer and other diseases we models to the average person about how smoking can also make you this attractive. This was oneRead MoreCauses Of Smoking Essay1288 Words  | 6 PagesRisk: Smoking A major public health issue among young adults is cigarette smoking. Many people know the relationship between lung cancer and smoking, but there are countless other health risks linked to smoking. Smoking can increase your risk for cancer of the bladder, throat and mouth, kidneys, cervix and pancreas. Smoking not only affects the smoker but the people around them. About 54% of American children are exposed to secondhand smoke (â€Å"Smoking: Do you really know the risks?â€Å"). NonsmokersRead MoreChildren s Awareness Of Youth Smoking969 Words  | 4 Pagesawareness of youth smoking. American Lung Association tries to inform parents and children about the risk smoking has to our bodies, (â€Å"Our Mission†). To dramatically improve the health of the youth, many organizations come together to inform the youth of the effects smoking has on them. Drug Abuse Resistance Education, is a program that elementary students take part to learn about good decision-making skills, (â€Å"Mission†). This program teaches children about the dangers of smoking and other illegalRead MoreDangers of Second Hand Smoke: Shoud Smoking in Public Areas be Permitted?1578 Words  | 7 PagesShould smoking in public areas be allowed? Have you ever gone to a restaurant or to the bowling alley and come home smelling like cigarette smoke? And while you were there, some people are sitting there smoking by you and you can’t stand the smell of it. So you go out side and to get some fresh air and what do you know there’s some more people lighting it up and smoking but they are polite enough to go outside. Doesn’t this annoy you, that you can barely go anywhere without people smoking in yourRead MoreHow Advertisements Are Effective Or Not Towards The Audience864 Words  | 4 PagesFDA has Real Cost campaign advertisements that are used through a variety of different media vehicles such as â€Å"TV, radio, print, digital, and out of home states.†(FDA 2016) These advertisements are displayed through every media possible and it would be hard not to encounter it in form for the few years it has been present for the public to see. Throughout my essay, I will discuss how these advertisements a re used and whether they are effective or not towards the audience in preventing smoking. TheRead MoreThe Demise Of The Tobacco Smoking1663 Words  | 7 Pagescalling a new fad, may very well be the answer to the demise of the tobacco smoking epidemic. While it is not likely to happen any time soon, it definitely has the potential. Electronic cigarettes, also known as vaporizers, are the better alternative to smoking traditional tobacco cigarettes. They contain less harmful chemicals, are less expensive, and provide a smoother transition from smoking cigarettes to not smoking at all. It is difficult to comprehend why generation after generation of people
Monday, December 16, 2019
The Benefits of Narrative Argument Essay Topics
The Benefits of Narrative Argument Essay Topics Here's What I Know About Narrative Argument Essay Topics Just consider it how many fantastic things you might do instead of boring writing. With our essay help you may be certain nobody shall get a better mark for the work than you. The attractiveness of narrative essays is that you're permitted to get personal whilst telling a story. Writing a narrative essay is all about telling a story using your initial voice. Reflecting on a particular topic desires some deep degree of insight. When you haven't introduced any kind of solution in your essay, perhaps encourage other people to become more mindful of your topic. The topic has to be interesting, the topic has to be essential and finally the topic has to be informative. As an issue of fact, the content of your essay is dependent on what you're likely to write about. It's important to select debatable argumentative essay topics since you need opposing points you may counter to your own points. After all, the duty of the student is to just explain how other positions might not be well informed or updated on this issue. When an author has published multiple journal articles about a similar topic, it is better to consult the latest version to find a feeling of their most recent views about the topic. Observers behave as though they are actually present in the circumstance. The conclusion provides the general verdict of the argument. The aforementioned statement isn't favorable. All About Narrative Argument Essay Topics You don't have to fill numerous order forms, get a lot of passwords at virtually every step of order. The guidelines that we'll offer you will still apply. It isn't simple to write a great story from the start to the end without some planning and that's the reason you should create a draft and polish it until you're confident that the result meets all the requirements. Not all sites give such a function. Use transition words to get your text coherent and simple to read. You have to locate a deeper value and meaning and eventually communicate this to the reader via your description. With short stories, an individual could play around with distinctive characters and also add some components of fiction. To draw the intended audience effectively, you need to compose a captivating topic sentence that will act as a hook. The 30-Second Trick for Narrative Argument Essay Topics McNamara proposed that the narrative paradigm can be utilized with military storytelling to boost the perception of the USA armed services. The narrative is quite personal, which means you should underline the importance of the ongoing events for your identity. For this reason, you must deal with all challenges if you intend to stay close to the sea! Quite the opposite, what's permitted to do, doesn't provoke a huge interest. Th e Narrative Argument Essay Topics Stories There's more than 1 way to compose a narrative essay. The introduction is the initial portion of your essay. There are struggles that could easily be eliminated when you're in the early phases of writing your personal narrative essay. The most important goal of informative essays is to educate people on a particular topic. There are quite a lot of kinds of essays you might be assigned to finish. Since you may see, the narrative essay isn't complicated whatsoever. The finest argumentative essays concentrate on only one element of a debate. It is very important to note an argumentative essay and an expository essay might be similar, but they vary greatly regarding the sum of pre-writing and research involved. At times, however, a narrative isn't about such primary topics. A narrative essay definition can fluctuate in various universities and schools. A personal narrative essay is just one of the greatest tools to stop social issues which are frequently disregarded. Whether it's an argumentative or expository essay which you are writing, it is vital to develop a clear thesis statement and an obvious sound reasoning. Narrative essays are frequently the norm in academia. They serve a wide variety of purposes. Expository essays are typical at the college level, and they're primarily research papers. Writing a sports essay is just one of the most exciting writing experiences you're ever going to encounter. It will be beneficial to differentiate between primary and secondary sources as you construct your bibliography. You need to be able to seek out examples in any excellent newspaper, or on public television.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Ethical issues in counseling Essay Example For Students
Ethical issues in counseling Essay countertransference and the expert therapist, this study looks at how beginning therapists rate five factors theorized to be important in countertransference management: (I) anxiety management, (2) conceptualizing skills, (3) empathic ability, (4) self-insight and (5) self-integration. Using an adaptation of the Countertransference Factors Inventory (CFI) designed for the previously mentioned studies, 48 beginning therapists (34 women, 14 men) rated 50 statements as to their value in managing countertransference. Together, these statements make up subscales representing the five countertransference management factors. Beginners rated the factors similarly to experts, both rating self-insight and self-integration highest. In looking at the personal characteristics which might influence ones rating of the factors, males and females rated self-insight and self-integration highest. As months in personal and/or group psychotherapy went up, the factors ratings went down, and an even stronger negative correlation was found with age. Generally, beginners rated the factors higher than the experts. Beginners who are older and/or have had more therapy rated the factors more like the experts. The word countertransference was coined by Sigmund Freud in approxirnately the year 1901, at the dawning of psychoanalysis. In classical psychoanalysis, transference was seen as a distortion in the therapeutic relationship which occurred when the client unconsciously misperceived the therapist as having personality characteristics similar to someone in his/her past, while countertransference referred to the analysts unconscious, neurotic reaction to the patients transference (Freud, 1910/1959). Freud believed that countertransference impedes therapy, and that the analyst must recognize his/her countertransference in order to overcome it. In recent years, some schools of psychotherapy have expanded the definition of countertransference to include all conscious and unconscious feelings or attitudes a therapists has toward a client, holding that countertransference feelings are potentially beneficial to treatment (Singer Luborsky, 1977). Using more specific language, Corey (1991) defines countertransference as the process of seeing oneself in the client, of overidentifying with the client or of meeting needs through Common to all definitions of this construct is the belief that countertransference must be regulated or managed. If unregulated, a therapists blind spots may limit his/her therapeutic effectiveness by allowing clients to touch the therapists own unresolved areas, resulting in conflictual and irrational reactions. With greater awareness of the motivating forces behind ones own thoughts, feelings and behaviors, the therapist is less likely to distort the therapeutic relationship. Indeed, because countertransference originates in the unconscious, the more the therapist is able to bring into conscious awareness that which was hidden in the unconscious, the less he will find that his patients material stimulates countertransference reactions. (Hayes, Gelso, Van Wagoner Nonfacilitative countertransference is not just the passive act of misperception. It occurs when, as a result of the misperception, the therapists response to the client is based on his/her own need or issue rather than that of the client. Countertransference is an important issue for all therapists. Beginning therapists often address the issue in class sessions, groups and supervision, as well as in impromptu discussions. Generally, no therapist wants his/her unresolved issues to cloud the therapeutic process. Being in personal therapy and supervision are two ways a therapist can bring issues to conscious awareness and deal with countertransference (Fromm Reichmann, 1950; Gelso Carter, 1985; Heimann, 1950; Reich, 1960), but are there other ways? Are there specific personal characteristics which enable the therapist to deal successfully with Although little theory and research address these issues, Hayes, et al. (1991) and Van Wagoner, Gelso, Hayes and Diemer (1991) studied the personal characteristics that therapists believe assist them in the management of countertransference. .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6 , .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6 .postImageUrl , .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6 , .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6:hover , .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6:visited , .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6:active { border:0!important; } .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6:active , .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6 .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: adsfasdf Essay The five therapist qualities theorized to assist the effective management of countertransference were (I) anxiety management, (2) conceptualizing skills, (3) empathic ability, (4) self-insight and (5) self-integration. Using these studies as an anchor, this study looks at how beginning therapists rate the effectiveness of the five qualities in helping them manage countertransference, and it explores whether gender, age and months in individual and/or group Bibliography: .
Sunday, December 1, 2019
What Is Marijuana Marijuana Is A Drug Obtained From Dried And Crumple
What Is Marijuana? Marijuana is a drug obtained from dried and crumpled parts of the hemp plant Cannabis sativa (or Cannabis indica). It can be smoked by rolling in tobacco paper or placing in a pipe. It is also otherwise consumed worldwide by an estimated 200,000,000 persons for pleasure, an escape from reality, or relaxation. The main active principle of cannabis is tetrahydrocannabinol. "Marijuana is not a narcotic and is not mentally or physically addicting drug. One can use mild cannabis preparations such as marijuana in small amounts for years without physical or mental deterioration. Marijuana serves to diminish inhibitions and acts as a euphoriant. Some who smoke marijuana feel no effects; others feel relaxed and sociable, tend to laugh a great deal, and have a profound loss of the sense of time. Characteristically, those under the influence of marijuana show incoordination and impaired ability to perform skilled acts. Still others experience a wide range of emotions including feelings of perception, fear, insanity, happiness, love and anger" (Annas 19). Although marijuana is not addicting, it may be habituating. The individual may become psychologically rather than physically dependent on the drug. Those who urge the legalization of marijuana maintain the drug are entirely safe. The available data suggested, this is not so. Marijuana occasionally produces acute panic reactions or even transient psychoses. Furthermore, a person driving under the influence of marijuana is a danger to themselves and others. There is no established medical use for marijuana or any other cannabis preparation. In the United States, its use is a crime and the laws governing marijuana are similar to those regulating heroin. Many authorities now urge that the laws be modified to mitigate the penalties relating to conviction on marijuana possession charges. The Case for Legalizing Marijuana use the United States stands apart from many nations in its deep respect for the individual. The strong belief in personal freedom appears early in the nation's history. The Declaration of Independence speaks of every citizen's right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The Constitution and Bill of Rights go further, making specific guarantees. The right to privacy in recent years, Americans have referred to privacy as one of the basic human rights, something to be claimed by anyone, anywhere. United States citizens feel strongly about this and often tell other countries that they must honor their people's claims to privacy and personal freedom. The marijuana user is indulging in a minor pleasure over which that government should have no jurisdiction. It is quite clear from survey data that most people do not become physically dependent on marijuana. The majority uses it as others use alcohol - to relax occasionally and to indulge a festive mood. How can a mild intoxicant, taken less than once a day by most users, be seen as a public threat? The law should not penalize even those who are "hooked", or psychologically dependent upon their habit. Some people find any compulsive and unproductive behavior disgusting. But that is not a reason for outlawing it. The attempt to use the law to tell people what they may and may not consume at home is an arrogant invasion of personal privacy. Protecting the drug user's physical health sometimes it is said that the law must protect the drug user from himself. One of the detriments of tolerating drug use, according to this theory, is that is encourages the use of more and different drugs. The National Institute on Drug Abuse's 1984 report to Congress cited no evidence to support the idea that drug use is hurting economic productivity. It said: The fact is, very little is known about the complex relationship which undoubtedly exists between drug abuse, worker performance, and productivity, or the lack thereof.... Simply put, the number of unanswered questions currently far outnumbers the available answers. Nor is there any strong evidence that legalizing marijuana would increase use of the drug. In fact, there is some evidence suggesting that drug use under a relaxed legal system might not increase at all. Many states have removed the penalties for marijuana possession that were on the books in the 1950s and 1960s. The change occurred during a reform movement that swept the nation in the mid 1970s. Yet in spite of the
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Null Hypothesis Definition and Examples
Null Hypothesis Definition and Examples In a scientific experiment, the null hypothesis is the proposition that there is no effect or no relationship between phenomena or populations. If the null hypothesis is true, any observed difference in phenomena or populations would be due to sampling error (random chance) or experimental error. The null hypothesis is useful because it can be tested and found to be false, which then implies that there is a relationship between the observed data. It may be easier to think of it as a nullifiable hypothesis or one that the researcher seeks to nullify. The null hypothesis is also known as the H0, or no-difference hypothesis. The alternate hypothesis, HA or H1, proposes that observations are influenced by a non-random factor. In an experiment, the alternate hypothesis suggests that the experimental or independent variable has an effect on the dependent variable. How to State a Null Hypothesis There are two ways to state a null hypothesis. One is to state it as a declarative sentence, and the other is to present it as a mathematical statement. For example, say a researcher suspects that exercise is correlated to weight loss, assuming diet remains unchanged. The average length of time to achieve a certain amount of weight loss is six weeks when a person works out five times a week. The researcher wants to test whether weight loss takes longer to occur if the number of workouts is reduced to three times a week. The first step to writing the null hypothesis is to find the (alternate) hypothesis. In a word problem like this, youre looking for what you expect to be the outcome of the experiment. In this case, the hypothesis is I expect weight loss to take longer than six weeks. This can be written mathematically as: H1: ÃŽ ¼ 6 In this example, ÃŽ ¼ is the average. Now, the null hypothesis is what you expect if this hypothesis does not happen. In this case, if weight loss isnt achieved in greater than six weeks, then it must occur at a time equal to or less than six weeks. This can be written mathematically as: H0: ÃŽ ¼ ≠¤ 6 The other way to state the null hypothesis is to make no assumption about the outcome of the experiment. In this case, the null hypothesis is simply that the treatment or change will have no effect on the outcome of the experiment. For this example, it would be that reducing the number of workouts would not affect the time needed to achieve weight loss: H0: ÃŽ ¼ 6 Null Hypothesis Examples Hyperactivity is unrelated to eating sugar is an example of a null hypothesis. If the hypothesis is tested and found to be false, using statistics, then a connection between hyperactivity and sugar ingestion may be indicated. A significance test is the most common statistical test used to establish confidence in a null hypothesis. Another example of a null hypothesis is Plant growth rate is unaffected by the presence of cadmium in the soil. A researcher could test the hypothesis by measuring the growth rate of plants grown in a medium lacking cadmium, compared with the growth rate of plants grown in mediums containing different amounts of cadmium. Disproving the null hypothesis would set the groundwork for further research into the effects of different concentrations of the element in soil. Why Test a Null Hypothesis? You may be wondering why you would want to test a hypothesis just to find it false. Why not just test an alternate hypothesis and find it true? The short answer is that it is part of the scientific method. In science, propositions are not explicitly proven. Rather, science uses math to determine the probability that a statement is true or false. It turns out its much easier to disprove a hypothesis than to positively prove one. Also, while the null hypothesis may be simply stated, theres a good chance the alternate hypothesis is incorrect. For example, if your null hypothesis is that plant growth is unaffected by duration of sunlight, you could state the alternate hypothesis in several different ways. Some of these statements might be incorrect. You could say plants are harmed by more than 12 hours of sunlight or that plants need at least three hours of sunlight, etc. There are clear exceptions to those alternate hypotheses, so if you test the wrong plants, you could reach the wrong conclusion. The null hypothesis is a general statement that can be used to develop an alternate hypothesis, which may or may not be correct.
Friday, November 22, 2019
A Review of Accelerated Math
A Review of Accelerated Math Accelerated Math is a popular math practice program for grades K-12. The program is designed to provide teachers with a supplemental tool that allows them to create personalized math practice lessons, differentiated instruction, and to track student progress closely. The program was developed by Renaissance Learning Inc., which has several other programs closely related to the Accelerated Math program. Accelerated Math is intended to be a supplemental educational tool. Teachers use their existing textbook for instruction and then build and create practice assignments for students to complete. Students can complete these assignments online or in paper/pencil format. Either option can give students instant feedback and provides teachers with more time for instruction as the program scores student work itself. Accelerated Math is essentially a four-step program. First, the teacher provides instruction on a specific topic. Then the teacher creates Accelerated Math assignments for each student that parallels the instruction. The student then completes the assignment receiving immediate feedback. Finally, the teacher through careful progress monitoring can differentiate each student’s instruction to build on their individual strengths and weaknesses. Key Components Accelerated Math Is Both Internet Based and Paper/Pencil Based Accelerated Math Live allows students to complete assignments online providing students and teachers with immediate feedback.Accelerated Math also provides teachers and students with a paper/pencil option. Students can print the assignments and provide answers on specific scannable paper. The student can then scan the assignment using an AccelScan scanner, Renaissance Responder, NEO 2, or Renaissance Home Connect. The assignment will be instantly scored providing students and teachers with immediate feedback.Being Internet based allows Renaissance Learning to provide automatic updates the program and to store key data on their servers. This is easier for the school’s IT team. Accelerated Math Is Individualized One of the best things about Accelerated Math is that it allows the teacher to dictate how the program is used. This includes the ability to provide students with lessons which align with current instruction as well as lessons intended to remediate gaps a particular student may have. A teacher may also create assignments which challenge students who may be advanced.Accelerated Math allows students to work at an individualized pace. Students who demonstrate mastery quickly can move on to another challenging assignment while those who struggle can be given the time to master the current assignment. Accelerated Math Set Up Is a Mixed Bag Students and teachers can be quickly added to the system either through large batch enrollment or individualized addition.Accelerated Math assignment book set up can be difficult and confusing. Fortunately, there is a quick tip manual for getting started and a help guide you can use along the way. It takes a series of steps before your students can use the program including creating objective lists, choosing the objective list for each class, creating groups, assigning objectives, and generating the first practice assignment. Accelerated Math Provides Flexibility Teachers choose what assignments they want their students to work on allowing them to align the program with their current curriculum and meet individual needs.The program allows teachers to specify the number of questions on each assignment for each student making them short, medium, or large assignments.Accelerated Math provides teachers with more time for whole group and small group instruction as well as one on one instruction by eliminating time-consuming grading. Accelerated Math Assesses Student Understanding Accelerated Math is designed to determine whether or not a student has mastered a specific skill or concept.There are five different types of assignments that teachers can assign to their students. Each type serves a different purpose and includes: Practice – Consists of multiple choice problems that check student understanding of specific learning objectives.Exercise – A type of practice activity used to reinforce and support objectives covered in a daily lesson.Test – A student will be allowed to take a test when they answer enough practice problems correctly.Diagnostic – Useful when you need to identify specific areas in which a student is struggling. Also allows students to take a test on objectives without meeting the practice criteria first.Extended Response – Provides students with challenging problems that promote higher order thinking skills and advanced problem-solving. The program provides students and teachers with immediate feedback directing the teacher to provide intervention when necessary and allowing those students who master a concept to move to another. Accelerated Math Provides Students and Teachers With Resources Every student has access to in program resources designed to assist in student understanding. The resources include a comprehensive math glossary and work examples tied to each individual learning objective for which the student is attempting to complete.Every teacher has access to tons of resources designed aid in the successful implementation of the program on a daily basis. These include guides on how to get started, how to advance your implementation, forms and charts, and much more. Accelerated Math Is Aligned to the Common Core State Standards Accelerated Math has studied and aligned their program to the Common Core State Standards. The math content libraries in the Accelerated Math program were designed to meet the requirements of the Common Core. Accelerated Math Provides Teachers With Tons of Reports Accelerate Math has about two dozen fully customizable reports. These include diagnostic reports, mastery reports, goal history reports, objective lists, parent reports, and several more. Teachers can use the reports to guide their instruction and meet their students’ needs. Accelerated Math Provides Schools With Technical Support Accelerated Math allows you to receive automatic software updates and upgrades.Accelerated Math provides live chat support to answer questions and provide immediate resolution to any issues or problems you have with the program.Accelerated Math provides software and data hosting. Cost Accelerated Math does not publish their overall cost for the program. However, each subscription is sold for a one-time school fee plus an annual subscription cost per student. There are several other factors that will determine the final cost of the programming including the length of the subscription and how many other Renaissance Learning programs your school has. Research To date, there have been ninety-nine research studies including eighty-nine independent studies that support the overall effectiveness of the Accelerated Math program. The consensus of these studies is that Accelerated Math is fully supported by scientifically based research. In addition, these studies concur that the Accelerated Math program is an effective tool for boosting students’ mathematics achievement. Overall Accelerated Math is a solid supplemental mathematics program that teachers can use on a daily basis in their classroom. The combination of online and traditional types can effectively meet each classroom’s individual needs. The alignment to the Common Core State Standards is another welcome progression. The biggest downside of the program is that it takes multiple steps to set up the program. These steps can be confusing but this can be overcome with professional development training and/or the setup guides offered by the program. Overall Accelerated Math gets four out of five stars because the program has evolved into a terrific supplemental program that can be easily implemented into any classroom and support ongoing instruction.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Japanese Major Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Japanese Major - Personal Statement Example It is my steady belief that interest is the best teacher an individual can have. This is because everything in the world is exhibited on limitless levels and thousands of facets, and the floating out of an individual’s potential occurs from a minute point in the person. I love language not simply because it is essential for communication, but more because it carries significant beauty in it. The study of language seems meticulous and monotonous to many people, while to me it is a bottomless ocean of fun. I am a Taiwanese who studied in China international school, as an international student. I developed interest in languages at a young age. As a child, I spoke Mandarin, the only language that my parents understood. I later felt an inner drive to study other languages and attempt communication in them. My interest was further boosted later in life when a group of university students presented a play in our school. It was a lively play, which they acted in five different languag es. The students were young, intelligent, and highly vigorous, demonstrating inspiring communication skills and teaching expertise. Though we could not understand most of these languages, we enjoyed every bit of the presentation. I was, in particular, fascinated by their unique and original skills. I was later to think about it, and the old memory of studying different languages hit me. Other than my interest in languages, the play made me realize that education should be subjugated by advanced ideas, which should, in turn be supported by effectual teaching strategies. In my attempt to study other languages, I self-studied Japanese. Through this study, I was in a position to communicate with my grandparents. This is because they were educated by Japanese and became deeply influenced by the Japanese culture. Japanese was, therefore, the only language that they could communicate. I, therefore, in order to facilitate communication with them, had to learn some Japanese culture and langu age. Between my interest and passion, I was in a position to communicate in Japanese with much ease. It was this achievement that made me realize and appreciate the benefits of persistence. That was one of my achievements and I have grown to know that I can achieve anything as long as I have the interest. Later, I assisted my parents by translating Cantonese and English into Mandarin in their business. They were very grateful and, though I was young, felt very important. I have ever since, had a deep-seated interest in majoring in the Japanese Language. Due to my deep-seated interest in languages, I intend to major in Japanese. I am particularly attracted to the powerful vibrant intellectual, pedagogical resource, and the comprehensive curriculum in the university. Holding firmly to the Japanese culture, I decided to participate in extracurricular activities. As a result of this, I joined the Taiwanese student association and became a member of the Japanese culture club. I was chose n the vice-president of the Taiwanese student association a position which, though challenging, has equipped me with significant experience. I once organized a Halloween event with two other clubs, an event that really challenged my ability. There arose some conflicts between the clubs, and as the vice-president, my success stood in settling the conflicts and making the event a success. It was the success of this event that made most people develop note worthy
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Was Ronald Reagan a Good President Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Was Ronald Reagan a Good President - Assignment Example Believing this view is subject to failure to realize the key achievement of the former president. 2. Crime: His address at the International Chiefs of Police did not go well with most people as he claimed that crime was a personal choice as opposed to the view that it was a means to survival for some people. His attitude failed in the realization of the real effect of crime in the society leading to wastage of funds in the fight against crime and drug abuse. 3. Defense: During his tenure at the oval office, Reagan increased the budgetary allocation on defense for a period of six consecutive years. This led to a lot of expenditure on defense leading to wastage of public funds and construction of unnecessary demands. The security challenges that were facing the United States at that time were very real and disastrous if they were to manifest. Massive expenditure in the military was thus the best idea in a bid to ensure the nation.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Some People Think That They Can Learn Better by Themsleves Than with a Teacher Essay Example for Free
Some People Think That They Can Learn Better by Themsleves Than with a Teacher Essay There has been a great deal written about the studying way of students for the past thousand years. Educators have started to wonder whether students should learn with intructors or not. Some people who are against this idea may argue that students ought to study by themsleves, which are likely to block their creativeness. One idea that has received much attention is that the majority of students tend to obtain knowledge from their teachers mainly because of its convenience and utility. This essay will discuss the teachers’ crucial function is not just the offer of excellent traning method but also an motivation for student. First and foremost, the wisdom of teachers can help learners steer their own boat in the ocean of life. For one thing, researchers have claimed that intructors may provide students with a wide range of advance knowledge thanks to their in-depth experience. When students learn without asking teachers’ assistance, they arenot be able to recognize their mistakes on their own and learn other difficult aspects in a lesson as well. For example, a number of students are in trouble in mathemartics; therefore, is is too hard for them to find out the way which in order to solve the problem. Teacher instructs and offers a variety of extra exercises so as to help them afterwards. For another, with teachers, students get the information not only in textbooks and materials but also the teachers’ knowledge. Almost teachers use adequate knowledge and accumulated experience to find the hidden talents of students. Realizing the students’ strong and weak points, which can help inst ructors implement approriate teaching methods for students. Second, a numerous entertainment activities, namely watching TV, searching web and playing games can distract students when they decide to learn subject by themselves at home. Put diferrently, teachers force students concentrate on lessons. They also approach a particular topic logically by taking it step by step. Without teachers, students will skip parts of learning process that arenot nesscesary for them, which can limit their understanding. Opponents of this may state that some people rather to waste their time to go for classes they can learn better with attend online classes by using internet at home since in a competitive world, time is one of the most concerned factors. Furthermore, there is not specific time, age limit to gain something new in online class. They have a point in thinking like that. On the other hand, they forget the fact that students usually start to feel nervous when exams come knocking at the door and teachers are able to prevent this situation by some special methods. In conclusion, it is undeniable teachers play important roles to motivate their children to become a successfull person.First, teachers with wide knowledge always provide students with a good direction to acheive goals. Moreover, they can push students in order to focus on the lessons. If this trend continues, more and more intellectual new generation will lay down a prosperous country.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Response to Spirituality Essay -- Christians, Religion, God, Beliefs,
Response to Emotionally Healthy Spirituality I have lived among Christians my whole life. Over half of the people I know are Christians. God has taught me through my experience, before and after conversion, that there is work to being a Christ follower. Peter Scazzero, in his book Emotionally Healthy Christianity, tells us that we as Christians are often struggling more than we think. Emotions touch every part of our lives and can control different aspects of us if we are not trusting the God we say we love. Jesus said in Matthew 11, â€Å"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.†Jesus said that He would help lighten the load, but He never said that it was going to be easy. As Christians we need to love and trust Jesus in every way so that we can deny ourselves, while still finding value in ourselves, and let the Holy Spirit wor k through us in every circumstance. Emotions are, and should be, in every part of our life. We would be lost without happiness, sadness, anger, or even silliness. John reminds us that, â€Å"We love because God first loved us. (1 Jn 4:19)†Love is a grand topic, there are many definitions for the word, and yet they are all right. If someone were to dedicate themselves to the study of even earthly love they would have more than a lifetimes worth of work to do. Contemplating these things are essential to emotional maturity. Scazzero says that, â€Å"contemplation and emotional health are different and yet overlap. In a very real sense, both are necessary to loving God, loving ourselves, and loving others. (Scazzero, 46)†Godl... ...ese things I believe the country could be turned upside down in a week. God longs for us to love Him and show others love in an emotionally healthy way. Doing that is not always easy and I think that is the point. Because it is not always easy we need to rely on the Father’s prevision for our lives and trust Him rather than our own impulses. I think that Scazzero hit the nail on the head with that idea. The Holy Spirit is alive and available to help if we would submit to the Father and trust the work of Jesus. To do this is not always easy, but in trusting in the things God says to us in our quiet times and through our Christian community we can live a fruitful life while staying emotionally healthy in our spirit. Works Cited Scazzero, Peter. Emotionally Healthy Spirituality: Unleash a Revolution in Your Life in Christ. Nashville, Tenn.: Thomas Nelson, 2011.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
English Essay
What does Emerson think of people who call for consistency in thought and action and who fear being misunderstood? ? He believes being foolish is ridiculous and for little minds, and that you should speak your mind uninhibited, and that being misunderstood is not necessarily a bad thing. Many of history’s great minds were misunderstood. 5. Emerson makes many of his points through a series of figures of speech – comparisons between two things that are basically unlike. In â€Å"Self-Reliance†what does he compare with the ordinary things and events listed below. Be sure to respond in complete sentence format. Example: He compares cannon balls to words: â€Å"Else if you would be a man, speak what you think today in words as hard as cannon balls, and tomorrow speak what tomorrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said today. †A. planting corn- Planting corn is compared to basically reaping what you sow. No reward can come unless one puts in hard work, pain, and suffering in life, just like the work that goes into planting and harvesting corn. B. an iron string- An iron string is compared to trust in oneself. ? C. lay- Clay is compared to aspiring men who must let themselves be molded by the â€Å"Almighty effort†. * * â€Å"That government is best which governs not at all;†. Thoreau’s essay, inspired by a night in jail, was a bit biased against the government. Thoreau’s theory of how he believes a government should operate is simply not feasible- it is not reasonable to protest the operation of government policies by breaking the law, and then criticizing the government after spending a night in jail; the government is needed to stabilize a country, to provide order amidst chaos, and to ensure common welfare and health. The government has many functions in a country, and nothing could be accomplished without it- for example, a stabilized economy. Now, some people would argue that the government causes inflation and economic depression, but it is also the only thing that can stabilize it and bring it back into an upswing. By evidence of the Confederate states, before they became the United States, trying to be a united group but having separate small governments does not work. A government with even minimal power cannot collect taxes, enforce its laws, or protect its citizens. Chaos would then ensue. Chaos is also caused by lawlessness, which is in turned caused by a weak government. A wonderful example is the early United States. They attempted a Confederacy, a band of loosely tied states whose government had no real power. They states fought, the people fought against the states, it was mayhem – every man for himself. Laws were broken and justice was exacted in the form of revenge. There was no safety, no guarantees, no order. But with a strong government in place, society can function normally and live in relative peace. There is a system in place to protect, to lead, to help. Without it, all hell breaks loose. And hell is a place of misery and sickness, which is another thing that the government typically seeks to remedy. They may tax their people, but that money Thoreau refused to give up would be redistributed out to people in need. It goes to homeless shelters, veterans, old retired folks, a sick single mother, a young adult struggling to make it out of the ghetto. The government is there for the common good. It helps out the people, because the people elect its officials. There may be a handful who disagree, but the government is typically run by the majorities wishes, so that the majority of its people are at least satisfied, if not happy. A single person can be smart, but people as a collective group are stupid. They are like sheep- they require guidance and leadership in order to run like a well-oiled machine. Therefore the government must have power, and use it to govern. There will always be a andful of people like Thoreau who oppose the government, and argue for the underdog because they feel that the system has not worked in their favor, or even hindered them. But overall, a government is designed for the common good, and governments like the USA and many European countries are doing just that. But there is no point to a government that does not govern, for then it is worse than having none at all. The government is required to ensure the common good, health, and order is enforced and the majority of its people are safe and happy.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Migrants to the Coast
Migrants to the Coasts Overview and Discussion There are three goals Eder presents in his fieldwork. They were to ; (1) â€Å"understand fishing and the fishing peoples†(Eder 5), how they lived and how their resources affected their day to day lives,(2) The Palawan’s culture had become diverse and he thought it was important he showed appreciation for what it had become. (3) Last, but not least, he wanted to be more involved with research issues such as â€Å"environmental crisis, economic difficulty, and social well-being†(Eder 5). Eder explains these motives throughout the text.In the second chapter Eder explains how the marine wildlife , full of sea grasses and coral reef play a vital role in the food chains for the animals inhabiting it. The author further explains that the â€Å"coastal zone†occupies the coastal plains as well as the water itself. He explains that there is a local distinction between the four types vegetative cover. Eder was able to get both the fishing peoples and the government official’s perspective of the coastal zone, and how they can preserve the area. In San Vicente there are ten communities with a total population of just fewer than 22,000.Here, Eder selects four of the communities in which he studies the people living within them. He provides a clear understanding of his fieldwork in which he works directly with the people of San Vicente. In order to truly understand their culture, Eder listened to their stories in addition to exploring the history of the people and the place itself. To investigate Eder’s motive of engaging in economic research, he looked into many different prominent industries of the region. One of these industries is fishing. As a reader I could easily envision the beautiful coast and its waters used for fishing.The fishing peoples used the resources of the coast in a way to build their economic culture. I think the author could have focused on fewer topics and covered them more in depth, opposed to going over so many. Altogether, the lives of the people and the visuals of their surrounding were enchanting. How Global Forces Impact Local Lives in San Vicente The Philippines is abundant in natural resources, but the people are among the poorest in Southeast Asia. Problems arise when these resources are no longer abundant and taken advantage of. When the logging industry in the 1960s became a top exporter, the license agreements were very corrupt.Instead of using the money to fund programs for the people, the president would distribute the revenue to his own inner circle. The mining industry brought in more money for the wealthy, but at a cost. The businesses were privatized so the profit stayed within. Environmental care was not seen as an issue, and dump mine wastes ruined bays and once plentiful farmlands. The poor essentially became even poorer. Illegal commercial fishing is also a problem among the coastal areas. Fishing for trawler fish is le gal at open sea, â€Å"but the national law reserves water within 15 kilometers of the coast†(49).Fish are a major resource and illegal fishing has led the fish population into a downward spiral. Commercial fishing and blast fisherman have severely limited the opportunities to the local people who depend on it. Much of the coastal people make their living by fishing on a small scale. Competition between the people and the market is created due to the vast amount of fishermen in the area. Fishing practices and economic stability differed among the fishing peoples. For example, one man could be struggling to support his family, even by fishing every day, while another is making a considerable living fishing and doesn’t nearly work as often.Because of the privatized companies and the recourses they had, difficulties arose for small time fisherman and led them into poverty. Global forces seemed to restrict the fishing peoples in many ways. They did not open opportunities t o the coastal people. The coastal people then had make a living the best way they knew how. With extreme completion, fish prices became inflated, making the people even poorer. The Philippine government needs to intervene, not by shutting down illegal fishing, but by forming programs to help its people.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Coco Chanel Essay Example
Coco Chanel Essay Example Coco Chanel Essay Coco Chanel Essay In 1939, at the beginning of World War II, Chanel closed her shops, maintaining her apartment situated above the couture house at 31 rue Cambon. She claimed that it was not a time for fashion. [19] Three thousand female employees lost their jobs. [37] The advent of war had given Chanel the opportunity to retaliate against those workers, who lobbying for fair wages and work hours, had closed down her business operation during the general labor strike in France in 1936. In closing her couture house, Chanel made a definitive statement of her political views. Her visceral loathing of Jews inculcated by her convent years, and sharpened by her aristocratic associations over time, had solidified her right-wing beliefs. She shared with most of her circle the conviction that Jews and liberal politicians were a Bolshevik threat to Europe. [38] During the German occupation Chanel resided at the Hotel Ritz, which was also noteworthy for being the preferred place of residence for upper echelon German military staff. Her romantic liaison with Hans Gunther von Dincklage, a German officer who had been an operative in military intelligence since 1920, [39]facilitated her arrangement to reside at the Ritz. [40] World War II, specifically the Nazi seizure of all Jewish-owned property and business enterprises, provided Chanel with the opportunity to gain the full monetary fortune generated by Parfums Chanel and its most profitable product, Chanel No. 5. The directors of Parfums Chanel, the Wertheimers, were Jewish, and Chanel used her position as an â€Å"Aryan†to petition German officials to legalize her claim to sole ownership. On May 5, 1941, she wrote to the government administrator charged with ruling on the disposition of Jewish financial assets. Her grounds for proprietary ownership were based on the claim that â€Å"Parfums Chanel â€Å"is still the property of Jews††¦and had been legally â€Å"abandoned†by the owners. [41] â€Å"I have,†she wrote, â€Å"an indisputable right of priority†¦the profits that I have received from my creations since the foundation of this business†¦are disproportionate†¦[and] you can help to repair in part the prejudices I have suffered in the course of these seventeen years. [42] Chanel was not aware that the Wertheimers, anticipating the forthcoming Nazi mandates against Jews had, in May 1940, legally turned control of â€Å"Parfums Chanel†over to a Christian, French businessman and industrialist, Felix Amiot. [41] Ultimately, the Wertheimers and Chanel came to a mutual accommodation, re-negotiating the original 1924 c ontract. On May 17, 1947, Chanel received wartime profits from the sale of Chanel No. 5, an amount equivalent to some nine million dollars in twenty-first century valuation. Further, her future share would be two percent of all Chanel No. sales worldwide. The financial benefit to her would be enormous. Her earnings would be in the vicinity of twenty-five million dollars a year, making her at the time one of the richest women in the world. [43][44] [edit]Activity as Nazi Agent Archival documents verify that Chanel herself was a Nazi spy, committing herself to the German cause as early as 1941, when she became a paid agent of General Walter Schellenberg, chief of SS intelligence. [45] Her clandestine identity was Abwehr Agent 7124, code name â€Å"Westminster. [46] At war’s end, Schellenberg was tried by the Nuremberg Military Tribunal, and sentenced to six years imprisonment for war crimes. He was released in 1951 due to incurable liver disease, and took refuge in Italy. Chan el paid for Schellenberg’s medical care and living expenses for himself, wife and family until his death in 1952. [47] [edit]â€Å"Operation Modellhut†In 1943, Chanel traveled to Berlin with Dinklage to meet with SS Reichsfurer, Heinrich Himmler to formulate strategy. [48] In late 1943 or early 1944, Chanel and her SS master, Schellenberg, devised a plan to press England to end hostilities with Germany. When interrogated by British intelligence at war’s end, Schellenberg maintained that Chanel was â€Å"a person who knew Churchill sufficiently to undertake political negotiations with him. †[49] For this mission, named â€Å"Operation Modellhut,†(â€Å"Model Hat†in English) they recruited Vera Lombardi. Unaware of the machinations of Schellenberg and her old friend Chanel, Vera played the part of their unwitting dupe, led to believe that the forthcoming journey to Madrid would be a business trip exploring the possibilities of establishing the Chanel couture in Madrid. Vera’s role was to act as intermediary, delivering a letter penned by Chanel to Winston Churchill, and forwarded to him via the British embassy in Madrid. [50] Schellenberg’s SS laison officer, Captain Walter Kutcschmann, acted as bagman, â€Å"told to deliver a large sum of money to Chanel in Madrid. †[51] The mission was a failure. British intelligence files reveal that all collapsed, as Vera, on arrival, proceeded to denounce Chanel and others as Nazi spies. [52] [edit]Protection from prosecution In September 1944, Chanel was called in to be interrogated by the Free French Purge Committee, the epuration. The committee, which had no documented evidence of her collaboration activity, was obliged to release her. According to Chanel’s grand-niece, Gabrielle Palasse Labrunie, when Chanel returned home she said, â€Å"Churchill had me freed. †[53] The extent of Winston Churchill’s intervention can only be speculated upon. However, Chanel’s escape from prosecution certainly speaks of layers of conspiracy, protection at the highest levels. It was feared that if Chanel were ever made to testify at trial, the pro-Nazi sympathies and activities of top-level British officials, members of the society elite and those of the royal family itself would be exposed. It is believed that Churchill instructed Duff Cooper, British ambassador to the French provisional government, to â€Å"protect Chanel. †[54] Finally induced to appear in Paris before investigators in 1949, Chanel left her retreat in Switzerland to confront testimony given against her at the war crime trial of Baron Louis de Vaufreland, a French traitor and highly placed German intelligence agent. Chanel denied all accusations brought against her. She offered the presiding judge, Leclercq, a character reference: â€Å"I could arrange for a declaration to come from Mr. Duff Cooper. †[55] Chanel’s friend and biographer Marcel Haedrich provided a telling estimation of her wartime interaction with the Nazi regime: â€Å"If one took seriously the few disclosures that Mademoiselle Chanel allowed herself to make about those black years of the occupation, one’s teeth would be set on edge. †[56]
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Visa CMPP para mdicos cubanos y otros profesionales
Visa CMPP para mdicos cubanos y otros profesionales La visa CMPP se concedà a a mà ©dicos y otro personal sanitario cubano que trabajaban en una misià ³n internacional fuera de Cuba. Este era uno de los programas migratorios de Estados Unidos que aplicaba sà ³lo a cubanos. Con fecha del 12 de enero de 2017, el gobierno de los Estados Unidos decidià ³ poner fin a este programa al igual que a la polà tica de pies secos, pies mojados. CMPP eran las siglas en inglà ©s del Programa para Profesionales Mà ©dicos Cubanos. Esta visa, que a pesar de su nombre no era realmente una visa sino un parole, tenà a reglas estrictas que habà a que conocer para evitar quedar en situacià ³n problemtica, es decir, como un desertor para los cubanos y sin visa para los estadounidenses.  ¿Quià ©nes se podà an beneficiar de CMPP? Se debà an reunir todas las caracterà sticas siguientes: Ser ciudadano o nacional cubanoEstar trabajando o estudiando como profesional mà ©dico en un tercer paà s en una misià ³n bajo la direccià ³n del gobierno de Cuba.No estar afectado por ninguna de las circunstancias que convierten a una persona en inelegible o inamisible para ingresar a Estados Unidos. Es decir, no aplicaba a los mà ©dicos que estaban por ejemplo, como turistas en Venezuela o en otro paà s.  ¿Quià ©nes eran profesionales sanitarios para estos efectos? Entre otros, los siguientes: Mà ©dicosParamà ©dicosEnfermerosEntrenadores deportivosFisioterapistasTà ©cnicos de laboratorio  ¿Y quà © pasaba con los familiares? Bajo el programa de visas CMPP los familiares de los mà ©dicos que la solicitaban podrà an tambià ©n beneficiarse y viajar legalmente a Estados Unidos con determinadas condiciones. Para empezar, eran familiares a estos efectos el cà ³nyuge del personal mà ©dico que aplicaba y tambià ©n sus hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os. Nadie ms. Si estos familiares estaban fuera de Cuba acompaà ±ando al profesional, se podà a considerar aprobarles un parole al mismo tiempo. Sin embargo, si estaban en Cuba, habà a que esperar a que el beneficiado de una visa CMPP ingresara a los Estados Unidos y una vez aquà podrà a reclamarlos.  ¿Quà © pasa con las personas que han solicitado la visa CMPP pero todavà a no tienen respuesta? Ahora ya no se pueden solicitar ms, pero el personal que las solicità ³ y est pendiente de su aprobacià ³n podrn seguir con dicha tramitacià ³n.  ¿Quà © pasa desde el punto de vista migratorio cuando se ingresa a USA? Una vez en Estados Unidos, al aà ±o y un dà a se podr solicitar la tarjeta de residente permanente. Mientras no se obtiene y se est en esa tramitacià ³n, no salir de Estados Unidos sin un permiso que se conoce como advance parole.  Una vez que se obtiene la residencia, que tambià ©n se conoce como green card y con el transcurrir de los aà ±os, se puede solicitar la ciudadanà a americana mediante el trmite de la naturalizacià ³n. El problema de la revlida del tà tulo de mà ©dico una vez que se llega a Estados Unidos Los mà ©dicos cubanos, al igual que todos los que obtuvieron sus tà tulos universitarios en un paà s distinto a los Estados Unidos, deben examinarse para acreditar su titulacià ³n y asà estar capacitados legalmente para trabajar como mà ©dicos. Y en la actualidad esto est resultando ser un problema por dos razones principales. La primera es el alto costo de los exmenes de la ECFMG y de USMLE, que son organizaciones privadas encargadas de gestionar los test. En la actualidad, es necesario aprobar 4 exmenes. Y, en segundo lugar, el altà simo conocimiento de inglà ©s que se requiere. Y es que hay que contestar a ms de 400 preguntas en un tiempo limitado, lo que complica la obtencià ³n de la revlida a profesionales cuyo lengua materna no es el inglà ©s. El efecto principal de estas trabajas es que a pesar de que en la actualidad existe en los Estados Unidos un dà ©ficit de aproximadamente 65,000 mà ©dicos y de que los profesionales cubanos llegan al paà s con documentos que les permiten trabajar, muchos de ellos acaban desempeà ±ndose profesionalmente no como mà ©dicos, sino como auxiliares, despuà ©s de obtener las debidas licencias. Los mà ©dicos cubanos recià ©n llegados pueden contactar con Solidaridad sin fronteras (SSF) en Hialeah, Florida, ya que es una organizacià ³n conocida por brindarles ayuda para navegar y entender estos problemas burocrticos. Puntos bsicos de CMPP Desde que se creà ³ el programa de CMPP en 2006, segà ºn datos oficiales del Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s), ms de 7,000 mà ©dicos y otros profesionales sanitarios cubanos han obtenido esta visa. De hecho, se han producido solicitudes desde 65 paà ses. Si bien la aproximadamente la mitad de las peticiones se han realizado en Caracas, ya que la misià ³n sanitaria de cubana en Venezuela es de considerable tamaà ±o. Otras embajadas activas en la emisià ³n de estas visas son las de Colombia y las de Curacao, donde los solicitantes proceden de la vecina Venezuela. El nà ºmero de beneficiados ha aumentado recientemente, y asà en el à ºltimo aà ±o fiscal un total de 1,663 profesionales obtuvieron la CMPP. De interà ©s para los profesionales mà ©dicos Los profesionales sanitarios que se desempeà ±an fuera de los Estados Unidos se preguntan frecuentemente cunto ganan sus colegas aquà . Este es el sueldo medio de enfermeras en Estados Unidos. Incluso ganan ms los mà ©dicos, aunque hay variaciones segà ºn especialidad. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Why I want to be a Medical Assistant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Why I want to be a Medical Assistant - Essay Example One of the major problems in the healthcare industry is the shortage of manpower. At the same time, the number of patients who take shelter in hospitals because of chronic diseases is growing day by day. There are three major reasons which motivated me to select the career in the field of medical assistants: American patients are facing difficulties in communicating properly with foreign hospital staffs, America is losing huge amounts because of outsourcing of clerical and administrative hospital jobs to foreign countries and Medical assistant profession is highly secure and decently paid profession. Most of the people working in American health sector are foreigners. Because of the shortage of Americans in the healthcare industry, patients are facing problems in communicating effectively with the foreigners. It is difficult for an American to communicate effectively with a foreigner, even if the foreigner has some knowledge in English.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Understanding the experiences of special education students who did Dissertation
Understanding the experiences of special education students who did not complete high school - Dissertation Example The purpose of this qualitative case study is to identify the common experiences of special education students who decide to drop-out of high school and the common factors that contribute to the decision to drop-out of high school. The case study will be comprised of male and female special education high school students who dropped out of school at Ridgeville High School (pseudonym for a Virginia high school) during their third and fourth years in the school years 2007-2008 and 2008-2009. The sample population will consist of students between the ages of 16-20. The sampling size will be 15 although 33 students will be initially contacted. The study will be a phenomenological study and will therefore be conducted by virtue of semi-structured interviews designed to identify the common experiences of students who dropped out of school close to graduation. The results of the semi-structured interview will be compared and analysed by virtue of a qualitative data analysis. The results wil l be coded and categorized generally using a phenomenological reductionism method. Once the data are collated and sorted and commonalities are identified, all possible conclusions will be analysed so that a final conclusion can be drawn. Using information from interviews with recent dropouts from Ridgeville High School, in conjunction with findings from current literature, this study will contribute to the development of recommendations for more effective dropout prevention programs for special education students. Descriptors: Achievement gap Disability Drop-out Drop-out prevention IDEA 2004 Dropping out IEP Inclusion NCLB QDA Special Education Student Engagement ACKNOWLEDGMENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ii TABLE OF CONTENTS iii CHAPTER ONE 1 INTRODUCTION 1 Background 2 Problem Statement 12 Purpose of the Study 15 Research Questions 15 Scope of the Study 16 Limitations and Delimitations 17 Definition of Terms 19 Research Plan 21 CHAPTER TWO 24 LITERATURE REVIEW 2 4 Introduction 24 Overview 25 Institutional reasons for dropping out 38 School belonging and dropout rates 44 Special education services and dropout rates 47 Exit exams 49 Inclusion: Does it reduce dropout rates? 54 Teachers and inclusion 64 Dropout prevention programs 71 IEP programming 74 Transition programming 76 Programs attending to social and academic elements of student lives: Finn’s participation-identification model of school engagement-belonging 79 School belonging and engagement and special education 91 Case studies of best practice school engagement programs that have improved the retention level of special education students in high school 98 Conclusion 102 CHAPTER THREE 104 METHODOLOGY 104 Introduction 104 Research Questions 105 Design 106 Active Observation 112 Intensive Interview 113 Data Collection Procedures 116 In-depth Interviews 117 The Researcher’s Role 120 Qualitative Data Analysis 120 The Coding Process
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Business Opportunities In The Leisure Goods And Activities Industry Essay - 3
Business Opportunities In The Leisure Goods And Activities Industry - Essay Example The researcher states that given that the leisure goods and activities industry encompasses such varied businesses, it becomes necessary to evaluate existing ventures across specific industrial segments to ascertain the continuity and profitability of any potential investments into such firms.  Besides, it is also necessary to analyze the revenue stream of a target company over a few years to determine the long-term prospects of the firm and its internal stability. Common examples of leisure-based goods or companies include Water Parks, Disneyland, Holiday Tour operators like Thomas Cook etc (Mark, 2010). The primary task of a leisure-based company is to ensure that all requirements of a person on a vacation are adequately provided for within the latter’s budget and schedule. According to Mathies, consumers are wealthier today, with higher disposable incomes, than they were 20 years ago. In fact, per-capita real income has increased by over 3 times since the 1970s while the standard of living has risen by over two-thirds during this period, especially across the developed world. Victoria says that over 45% of spending is currently categorized as ‘discretionary’ among consumers in the United States (US) and the United Kingdom (UK). With rising incomes, families now have broader flexibility in their household spending and divert as much as 20% of their incomes on leisure activities. This estimate is similar to the proportion spent by an average American household on food and beverages. Canwell conducted an extensive survey of households in the US and determined that over 80% of consumers spent regularly on leisure-based goods and services.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Profitability of going green
Profitability of going green Green Environment Analysis Financial planning and financial analysis are some of the major aspects on which the entire capability of an organization depends upon. When it comes to organizations, then the name of net productivity and efficacy are some of the major things that stride under its capability and effectiveness. Increasing the shareholder’s net with the help of effective and timely decisions is an important aspect from the viewpoint of an organization and organizations always required to have effective economic decision on the basis of different information. Finance is a broad field which has the tendency and capability to analyze the effectiveness of the financials of an organization and the tools which used to assess the same. Financial analysis is one of those tools which is used for the same purpose in a market. The main theme of this section is the continuation of the same project which is of Waste Management and Going Green. As the company is new one, hence most of the answers are on the assumption basis. We will analyze the firm from different angles, like, profitability, market share, asset management and liquidity and all of these sections are important to cover in this particular analysis. We have considered the company of Waste Management in which we are trying to save the earth by Going Green. The name of our company is Green Environment and it is a hypothetical company. The idea of the project is new as well as effective and there are certain aspects and risks which will affect the business from different viewpoints. There are two different types of risk which is associated with our project which are systematic risk and unsystematic risk. Systematic risk is the one that could not be diversified while unsystematic risk could be diversifying accordingly. The systematic risk which we will be facing in our project is the high regulations of the government and other international governmental organizations that will use different amount of regulations on our projects and we have to comply with them accordingly and effectively at the same time. There is a need to get sufficient support from the government and central bank related to this particular stance, like government initiation to increase the financial aspect of the company would be effective for the company in future. On the other hand, there are unsystematic risks as well that associated specifically with the company which are investment concerns and high competition. The company can diversify their portfolios of products as well as investment securities by diversifying their portfolio and investing in different securities to get the desired result, while competition could be resolved by decreasing the price recognition of the company accordingly and become economically active an d prosper. Part-2 Financial Ratio Analysis There are two different parts of this particular analysis which is required in this section of the report, which is economic analysis in which different risk factors both systematic and unsystematic would have been analyzed accordingly along with the analysis of the financial capability of the company. There are number of ratios which could be used for the same purpose. Financial forecast has been done on the basis of the years from 2014 to 2018 and all of the currencies are in Arab Emirati Dirham (AED). Profitability Analysis Every organization strives hard for profitability and maximizing the net worth of an organization. It is always required to have sufficient actions and activities from which the profitability of an organization could be enhanced accordingly and effectively at the same time. With the help of profitability analysis, organizations can get apprehension over their effectiveness in particular. There are two different ratios that used to come under the same ambit with the names of Net Profit Margin (NPM) and Gross Profit Margin (GPM) and both of these ratios are essential for the sake of an organization as far as increasing their financial capability is concerned from different slants. Net Profit Margin (NPM) Net profit margin is an important measurement of financials used by the analyst of an organization. It is one of the most important and widely used tools used by the organizations to analyze that how much net profit earned by a company on the basis of its net sales. Net worth and capability of an organization would have been analyzed considerably with the help of this particular ratio. The NPM of the selected company for five forecasted years is mentioned below From this above mentioned analysis, it is found that the NPM of the selected company will lie in a remarkable range which can be analyzed from the above mentioned table and graph. The NPM of the selected company was 62.5% in the financial year (FY) 2014 which increased and then decreased with similar percentages of 4.17 for years 2015 and 2016 respectively. The NPM of Green Environment will increased for two consecutive years by 4.17% and 8.33% in the years 2017 and 2018 respectively showing the capability of the company to increase its financial belongings. The average NPM of the selected company is 66.67%, showing that the company has the ability to generate AED 66.67 from the net sales of AED 100. Gross Profit Margin (GPM) Likewise NPM, Gross Profit Margin (GPM) is yet another important ratio that comes under the ambit of profitability analysis. This particular ratio diverse that how much gross profit earned by the company on the basis of its net sales. With the help of this particular ratio, an analyst can analyze the effectiveness of managing the cost of the company accordingly. The lower the cost, the higher will be the gross profit of the company. The GPM of the selected company for the next five years is mentioned below It is clear from the above mentioned table and chart that the GPM of the selected company is quite high and effective which is an evidence that the company has the capability to increase its financial belongings accordingly and effectively at the same time. The GPM of Green Environment will be 75% of its sales in the year 2014, which increased to a level of 83.3% in the year 2015, showing an increase of 8.33% as compared to the same period of last year. An increment of 4.17% and 2.08% has been envisaged in the financial years (FY) 2017 and 2018 respectively. The average GPM of the company is 80.25% for five forecasted years, which is quite high and effective as well for the company showing that the company has the power to mitigate its direct cost and increase its financial belongings accordingly. Asset Management of Efficiency Ratio Asset Management Ratios also known as Efficiency Ratios are some of the effective ratios that used to analyze the capability and ability of an organization as far as managing its operational assets accordingly. The higher the asset management ratio’s amount, the higher will be the chance for the company to have high inclination towards the analysis. There are two different ratios which could be used for the same purpose, with the name of Return on Assets (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE). Return on Assets (ROA) Analysis Return on Assets (ROA) is a measurement or financial tool used to assess the capability of an organization as far as managing its operational assets are concerned. It is one of the most important ratios that used to assess the profitability of an organization in terms of utilizing its assets accordingly. The computed ROA of the company is mentioned below The above analysis is showing clearly that tendency and ability of the company as far as utilizing its operational assets effectively. From the analysis, it is clear that the ROA of the selected company in the year 2014 will be 31.25% and it increased by 16.37% in the year 2015. The ROA of the company has the capability to increase accordingly each year with regular and effective percentages, like it increased by 8.14% and 13.95% respectively for years (FYs) 2017 and 2018 respectively. The average ROA of the selected company is 44.21%, which is quite high and effective and the company should grow accordingly on the basis of these high amount of ROA in particular. Return on Equity Analysis An analytical tool which is used to analyze how much effective and organization in terms of utilizing its net equity is known as Return on Equity (ROE). It is one of the most important tools that come under the ambit of financial analysis used by the analyst to increase their investment return. The computed ROE of Green Environment is mentioned below Table and graph mentioned above is showing the tendency of the company in terms of utilizing its equity accordingly. The ROE of the selected company was 25% in the year 2014 which increased by 8.33% in the year 2015 and then decreased by 208 basis points in the year 2016. The ROE of Green Environment increased for two consecutive years by 7.97% and 3.64% for years (FYs) 2017 and 2018 respectively which is quite high. The average ROE of the company is 34.33%, showing that the company is able to generate 34.33 AED from its net Equity amounting to 100 AED. Liquidity Ratio Analysis Liquidity Ratio Analysis (LRA) is one of the most important ratios that come under the ambit of Liquidity Analysis and the ratio which is used for the same purpose is Current Ratio (CR). Current Ratio Analysis Current Ratio is an important ratio that comes under the ambit of Liquidity Analysis. It is a ratio that used to assess the capability of an organization as far as meeting with the financial obligation is concerned. A CR of higher than 1, is an indemnity that the company has enough capability to meet with its financial obligations and promises in particular. High amount of CR is always be effective from the viewpoint of an organization. The analysis is clearly showing that the Current Ratio (CR) of the selected organization lies in a good and sophisticated range which could be found from the above mentioned analysis. The CR of the company will be 1:33 in the year 2014 which decreased by 8, 5 and 12 basis points in the years 2015, 2016 and 2017 respectively, but still manages to keep it on the level of 1. The average CR of Green Environment is 1:20, showing that the company has the ability and stance to meet with its current financial obligations in particular and able to meet with its short term financial promises as well. It is an important ratio that used for different purposes in an organization and usually banks would used this particular ratio to analyze the paying back stance of a company. Solvency Ratio The ratio which used to analyze that how much active an organization as far as meeting with its long term financial obligations in particular. This particular aspect is known as Solvency Ratio. The ratio that comes under the ambit for the same analysis is Debt to Equity (D/E) ratio and it is an important ratio used for the purpose of analysis. Debt to Equity Ratio Analysis A ratio that is used to assess the proportion of debt in equity of a company is known as debt to equity ratio. It is one of the most important ratios used for the long term liability is concerned and it is particularly known as Solvency Ratio in particular. The provision of the same ratio is quite high and it is equally beneficial for Green Environment as well. From this particular analysis, it is found that the total debt to equity of the company is perfect that les in an effective environment. The debt to equity of the company lies in the range from 0.80 to 1.02, which is quite effective in particular. This particular aspect is effective from the viewpoint of the company. The proportion of debt in the equity of the company on average is quite low which 25% is only while rest of the equity has been financed with equity which is quite high and effective. This particular aspect is showing that the level of solvency of the selected company is quite high and effective and it is one of the most important sign for the company as far as their future economic consequences is concerned and Green Environment should prolong the same. Market Value Ratio Investment is an important aspect from the viewpoint of an organization and no organization could be in the sake of economic prosperity and expansion without having high amount of investment associated with it. There are number of ratios that could be used for the same analysis and among them, the name of Earnings per Share (EPS) is one of them which have its own importance and recognition lies in a broad nutshell. Earnings per Share (EPS) According to International Accounting Standards (IAS-13), every organization is required to show the share analysis on the basis of its income statement. High EPS is always be effective from the viewpoint of an organization. The earnings per share of the selected company are effective and high and it is showing that the company has the ability to increase their economic belongings with the help of effective and timely strategies in particular. The average EPS of Green Environment is 1.18 AED which is showing that the company is economically prosper and active and it would remain in the same jurisdiction for a long span of time. The market value and market tendency of the company is strong and high which leads to increase the financial and strategic prosperity of the company for a long span of time. Conclusion â€Å"Green Environment†is a non-profit organization which wants to improve the standards of waste management in Emirates. This is a newly born company and therefore it needs the support of government and other organizations. The company is a hypothetical one, which is trying to make such
Friday, October 25, 2019
Cry the Beloved Country :: Cry the Beloved Country Essays
Cry the Beloved Country Cry the beloved country, by Alan Paton, is a book which tells the story of how James Jarvis, a wealthy estate owner who, because of his own busy life, had to learn of the social degradation in south Africa through the death of his only son. If Arthur Jarvis had never been killed, James Jarvis would never have been educated by his sons writings, and Stephen Kumalo. When we first meet james jarvis, he knows little of his sons life. He doesn't know his son "was on a kind of a mission"(p. 140), And this is why when harrison says,"...we're scared stiff at the moment in johannesburg."( p. 140) James is sort of surprised and says,"of crime?"(p. 140). Talking to harrison taught stephen about the crime in the city, and the next morning he learns about his son. One of the first things that james learns of his son, and his views, he learns in arthurs' room. In reading his writings, james finds that arthur would have risked anything to help other people, and ended up doing just that. James finds that his son was well researched on the problems of their society, and was interested in helping the development of the social structure in south africa. From the pictures of jesus and lincoln on his wall, james discovered the admiration arthur had for these two men. These were men of action, who showed love for their friends, and at the same time, their enemies. These two men suffered and died for their beliefs, as did arthur in a way, this is showing arthurs' father what a great man his son was by comparison, and similarity to others. This revelation shows arthurs concern for humanity. After the discovery of his sons views through all of his writings, james begins to realize the problem, and starts to think of the problems of others before his own. In this aspect, james begins to remind the reader of oscar shindler. This is so because shindler was one who at one time hated jews, but as he began to understand them, he thuoght of their troubles and how his wealth could save them. Much like shindler, jarvis helps the minority. Following his sons death and the acquaintance of stephen, james donates 1000 pounds to the african boys club. Jarvis is not just giving gifts in memory of his son, or just to give, but giving those who need help ways to help themselves.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Mahatma Gandhi Essay
One of India’s most important men in history was Mahatma Gandhi. In this interpretation I wish to discuss Mahatma Gandhi’s writing’s on India’s Independence. As discussed in â€Å"Indian Home Rule†written in 1909. Born Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi but known as Mahatma Gandhi lived from the year 1869 to the year 1948. He was the primary leader for India’s independence and one of the most successful users of civil disobedience in history. He was a spiritual and political leader in India, and he used his position and voice to make his country better. Mahatma Gandhi believed in satyagraha or †resistance through mass non-violent civil disobedience. Satyagraha remains one of the most potent philosophies in freedom struggles throughout the world today,†(bio.com) . Gandhi spent most of his life fighting for Indian Liberation from outside influences and he was assassinated trying to stop a Hindu-Muslim conflict by a Hindu fanatic on Janua ry 30, 1948. His death was unfortunate but he is remember by the world as one of the most successful spiritual leaders. Gandhi’s most fundamental criticism of British rule in India lies in the fact modernization that has been incorporated into their society by the British has caused India to turn away from their founding principles and religion. Mahatma Gandhi mentions that his people â€Å"should set limit to worldly ambition..’ and ‘make religious ambition be illimitable,†(Strayer, p. 920). This thought reflected his belief that the British concern was merely worldly ambition and that was not what his country should have set their sights upon. In his work, Gandhi defines civilization in his country’s sense and the British’s definition of civilization both of which differed dramatically. Gandhi’s concept of civilization center around a simple lifestyle not dependent on modernization and industrial characteristics. He believed civilization was their past lifestyle before railroads and British imperialism where his people lived in huts and plowed their o wn land the same way as their previous fathers did. His definition of British civilization was highly diluted and biased when he lists their idea of what it is. His definition of their civilization mentions â€Å"women who should be queens of households, wandering in the streets or slaving away in factories’, men being ‘enslaved by temptations of money and the luxuries that it buys’, and ‘that their business is not to teach religion†(Strayer, p. 920). He goes on to say that their civilization will eventually be self destroyed whereas India’s will just keep continuing. Gandhi reconciles with the idea of India as a single nation even though the obvious religion division between Hindus and Muslims because he is speaking merely on India versus outsiders, not in any way distinguishing India as having separate divisions within itself. Gandhi seeks a future where India is that of its native culture handed down to them. Not in anyway seeking the advice of outsiders, yet instead living as they did in the past and sticking instead to elevate others moral being. With Gandhi’s ideas, he probably met cri ticisms from India’s increasing nationalist politicians who did not want to go back to the old way of life and who loved the power they gained from the British. Mahatma Gandhi said that the tendency of Western civilization is to propagate immorality. I think he says that because the history of Western Colonization is that of spreading their culture and way of life wherever they travel, and he feel that their culture is immoral and corrupted. I think it is impossible for colonialism to be moral because more times than not the outsiders were intruding upon the natives and causing a severe disruption to their lifestyles that probably resulted in their demise or downfall. The history of colonialism does not lend itself to being a moral topic. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. (2014). The Biography.com website. Retrieved 04:39, Jul 27, 2014, from http://www.biography.com/people/mahatma-gandhi-9305898.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Alarm over Dramatic Weakening of Gulf Stream Essay
Gulf Stream and the extension it has on Europe is said to be a powerful Atlantic current that has its origin in Gulf of Mexico all the way to Africa across the Atlantic Ocean. It is the one that influences the climate in the North American coast as well as the coast in Europe. It is also used as a source of renewable energy for the generation of power. Gulf Stream is a strong current that usually meets with other ocean currents and rain is formed. It also transports water in the form of waves and also helps the rivers that drain in the Atlantic Ocean. It forms rain as the current is able to cool the water that is draining in the Atlantic Ocean thus evaporation takes place and falls in form of rain. Since the current is the one that is controlling the climate in the region that it passes scientists have warned that there is evidence of its weakening. This means that there are areas that the current will cool thus preventing human activities from taking place. According to George et al 1995, this will lead to reduction of global warming in the future until 2015. This is evident as the warm water that comes from tropical Atlantic is cold when it gets to the north of Atlantic. This is not to say that the climate will change badly as it might be thought. According to the same source the Gulf Stream is said to have weakened in the past decades and this has been caused by global warming. The strength that the current has, when measured it has been found to slow by 30%. This has made the circulation to slow down and if it remains so the temperatures in some countries are likely to drop like in Britain. It is also not clear whether the weakening is long term or short term. The reason why temperatures are likely to change is because the current transports heat from regions that are equatorial to the circle of the Arctic. This makes the water in the surface to warm as the current releases the heat as it goes to the north where it is cold. Global warming affects the current by slowing it down. This is because global warming has caused melting of the water in the mountainous regions to melt and makes the water less saline thus cooling cannot take place. In Paris â€Å"Little Ice Age†that started in Europe is as a result of the weakening of the Gulf Stream. This is because there is warm water that enters River Thames and cannot allow it to cool to how it was in the past. This has also changed the weather in the region. The weakening has been explained in the British journal Nature. The Gulf Stream has been blamed because the warm water that it takes from the tropical regions to the coastline in Europe has cause severe weather changes in the regions that it passes through. There is also evidence in the sediment cores from where the Gulf Stream enters. There are planktons that are evident in these cores and this depends on the isotope that is present in oxygen. The isotope is dependant on the salinity of the water. This is what shows the density of the water in the sea. According to scientists there is evidence that there are changes that are taking place in the Gulf Stream. They say that if the Gulf Stream did not have any influence Britain and Siberia could have the same latitude. In the past Greenland Sea had dense water sinking but since today it meets the Gulf steam currents it warms up and the result is that the water becomes warm. This has caused the water to become warm and affect the animals that are present in the water. Chimneys are the dense water that used to sink and this has reduced and thus weakening the Gulf Stream current. The ice in the sea is said to be getting thinner and thinner. Other scientists from Cambridge University have confirmed the weakening of the Gulf Stream and that Europe is likely to be cold than in the past. This is because of the fact that the strength at which the current is flowing is slower than in the past. They have also said that the chimneys that were present in the Greenland Sea are no longer there. It is because of these chimneys that the world is experiencing the climatic changes that are taking place. They have also predicted that the waters are going to remain as they are and that temperature in Britain is going to drop in the next decade. (Taylor, et al, 1992 p. 920) The weakening of these temperatures is going to cause no melting of the snow that falls in countries like Finland and France. This will cause glaciations to begin because there will be an increase in the reflectivity of the planet. The Gulf currents is also said to affect the other currents that it meets as it travels. There are also some climatic changes that are likely to occur in the future but they are not known. It is also projected that the currents will continue to slow down in the future. Work Cited George, D. G. and A. H. Taylor, UK lake plankton and the Gulf Stream. Nature, 1995, 378, 139 Taylor, A. H. , Colebrook, J. M. , Stephens, J. A. and N. G. Baker, Latitudinal displacements of the Gulf Stream and the abundance of plankton in the north-east Atlantic. J. of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 1992, 72, 919-921.
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