Tuesday, December 24, 2019
How Smoking Has Changed Through The Years - 891 Words
How Smoking Has Changed Through the Years (5) Smoking has greatly changed through the years. However, if one thinks about it does smoking control society in a particular way, or does society control the view on smoking. Through time, one can discover that there are many examples that may explain this question. People in the 1960’s thought smoking was considered cool at the time and it was the thing to do. Many people saw smoking as a symbol of statuses such as hard worker, or even an office worker. It showed that one had â€Å"class†because you were a refined person with a good paying job (White, Cameron,Oliffe, Bottorff). In many cases, smoking was considered beautiful for a woman to smoke in addition to their daily beauty routine. It was also associated with a strong, hardworking, and handsome man who all the woman try to get a date with. Many people were misled by the cigarette companies. Who claimed that their cigarettes were easy on the throat. The cigarette companies labeled the cigarette cartons with a picture of a man in a white lab coat that represented a doctor. They also printed on the cartons that they asked your doctor if it was ok to smoke, but in reality, they did not (Gardner, Martha, Brandt). This marketing scheme worked very well to mislead people to believe that cigarettes were healthy for you. Since people see Doctors as intelligent people and are professionals in their respective field and studied medicine for years so people believe them undoubtedly.Show MoreRelatedSmoking Has Changed Through The Years905 Words  | 4 PagesSmoking has greatly changed through the years. However, if one thinks about, it does smoking control society in a particular way, or does society control the view on smoking. Through time, one can discover that there are many examples that may explain this question. People in the 1960’s thought smoking was considered cool at the time and it was the thing to do. Many people saw smoking as a symbol of statuses, such as being a hard worker or even an office worker. It showed that one had â€Å"class†becauseRead MoreAnti Smoking Ads1293 Words  | 6 PagesCDC Anti-Smoking Campaign Ads From the common cold to deadly viruses, there are threats to public health everywhere in the world, whether they are caused naturally, intentionally, or accidentally. Providing strategic direction and support against these threats is a national health organization known as the CDC (or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). The CDC is one of the most predominate national health institutes the United States and the world. Its main office is located in AtlantaRead MoreWhat Are The Inventions To Promote Smoking Cessations Among Teenagers?1072 Words  | 5 PagesOur group chose a research question stating what are the interventions to promote smoking cessations among teenagers. I chose to search the topic through the Chamberlain library database instead of using Google. The database I used from the Chamberlain library is EBSCO Databases – Main Search Page. The terms that I used to search for my article is smoking cessation and adolescent and United States. I wanted to retrieve an article that is not only relevant to the research question, but is able toRead MoreResearch: Tabacco Control and Road Safety in Australia1584 Words  | 7 PagesAustralia’s health population since last 30 years. Improvements grew from advances and technology in medicine and surgery, delivery of quality health care services, and also range of public health programs promotion via an organized approach (NHMRC, Dec 1996, p.7). When we talk about developing and implementing population based interventions strategies, Australia is one of the leading nations of the world which adds up to health of Australians. One must understand how these successes have happened andRead MoreThe Dangers Of Tobacco And Alcohol Companies1576 Words  | 7 Pagesare frequent smokers started prior to the legal smoking age of eighteen years old (Martino 2). A few years ago this underlying problem of smoking and drinking was not a main concern in the minds of the general public, but s ince the dawn of the health era these health concerns pose a daunting topic for health officials. The Marlboro girls, women representing beauty and class, not cancer and other diseases we models to the average person about how smoking can also make you this attractive. This was oneRead MoreCauses Of Smoking Essay1288 Words  | 6 PagesRisk: Smoking A major public health issue among young adults is cigarette smoking. Many people know the relationship between lung cancer and smoking, but there are countless other health risks linked to smoking. Smoking can increase your risk for cancer of the bladder, throat and mouth, kidneys, cervix and pancreas. Smoking not only affects the smoker but the people around them. About 54% of American children are exposed to secondhand smoke (â€Å"Smoking: Do you really know the risks?â€Å"). NonsmokersRead MoreChildren s Awareness Of Youth Smoking969 Words  | 4 Pagesawareness of youth smoking. American Lung Association tries to inform parents and children about the risk smoking has to our bodies, (â€Å"Our Mission†). To dramatically improve the health of the youth, many organizations come together to inform the youth of the effects smoking has on them. Drug Abuse Resistance Education, is a program that elementary students take part to learn about good decision-making skills, (â€Å"Mission†). This program teaches children about the dangers of smoking and other illegalRead MoreDangers of Second Hand Smoke: Shoud Smoking in Public Areas be Permitted?1578 Words  | 7 PagesShould smoking in public areas be allowed? Have you ever gone to a restaurant or to the bowling alley and come home smelling like cigarette smoke? And while you were there, some people are sitting there smoking by you and you can’t stand the smell of it. So you go out side and to get some fresh air and what do you know there’s some more people lighting it up and smoking but they are polite enough to go outside. Doesn’t this annoy you, that you can barely go anywhere without people smoking in yourRead MoreHow Advertisements Are Effective Or Not Towards The Audience864 Words  | 4 PagesFDA has Real Cost campaign advertisements that are used through a variety of different media vehicles such as â€Å"TV, radio, print, digital, and out of home states.†(FDA 2016) These advertisements are displayed through every media possible and it would be hard not to encounter it in form for the few years it has been present for the public to see. Throughout my essay, I will discuss how these advertisements a re used and whether they are effective or not towards the audience in preventing smoking. TheRead MoreThe Demise Of The Tobacco Smoking1663 Words  | 7 Pagescalling a new fad, may very well be the answer to the demise of the tobacco smoking epidemic. While it is not likely to happen any time soon, it definitely has the potential. Electronic cigarettes, also known as vaporizers, are the better alternative to smoking traditional tobacco cigarettes. They contain less harmful chemicals, are less expensive, and provide a smoother transition from smoking cigarettes to not smoking at all. It is difficult to comprehend why generation after generation of people
Monday, December 16, 2019
The Benefits of Narrative Argument Essay Topics
The Benefits of Narrative Argument Essay Topics Here's What I Know About Narrative Argument Essay Topics Just consider it how many fantastic things you might do instead of boring writing. With our essay help you may be certain nobody shall get a better mark for the work than you. The attractiveness of narrative essays is that you're permitted to get personal whilst telling a story. Writing a narrative essay is all about telling a story using your initial voice. Reflecting on a particular topic desires some deep degree of insight. When you haven't introduced any kind of solution in your essay, perhaps encourage other people to become more mindful of your topic. The topic has to be interesting, the topic has to be essential and finally the topic has to be informative. As an issue of fact, the content of your essay is dependent on what you're likely to write about. It's important to select debatable argumentative essay topics since you need opposing points you may counter to your own points. After all, the duty of the student is to just explain how other positions might not be well informed or updated on this issue. When an author has published multiple journal articles about a similar topic, it is better to consult the latest version to find a feeling of their most recent views about the topic. Observers behave as though they are actually present in the circumstance. The conclusion provides the general verdict of the argument. The aforementioned statement isn't favorable. All About Narrative Argument Essay Topics You don't have to fill numerous order forms, get a lot of passwords at virtually every step of order. The guidelines that we'll offer you will still apply. It isn't simple to write a great story from the start to the end without some planning and that's the reason you should create a draft and polish it until you're confident that the result meets all the requirements. Not all sites give such a function. Use transition words to get your text coherent and simple to read. You have to locate a deeper value and meaning and eventually communicate this to the reader via your description. With short stories, an individual could play around with distinctive characters and also add some components of fiction. To draw the intended audience effectively, you need to compose a captivating topic sentence that will act as a hook. The 30-Second Trick for Narrative Argument Essay Topics McNamara proposed that the narrative paradigm can be utilized with military storytelling to boost the perception of the USA armed services. The narrative is quite personal, which means you should underline the importance of the ongoing events for your identity. For this reason, you must deal with all challenges if you intend to stay close to the sea! Quite the opposite, what's permitted to do, doesn't provoke a huge interest. Th e Narrative Argument Essay Topics Stories There's more than 1 way to compose a narrative essay. The introduction is the initial portion of your essay. There are struggles that could easily be eliminated when you're in the early phases of writing your personal narrative essay. The most important goal of informative essays is to educate people on a particular topic. There are quite a lot of kinds of essays you might be assigned to finish. Since you may see, the narrative essay isn't complicated whatsoever. The finest argumentative essays concentrate on only one element of a debate. It is very important to note an argumentative essay and an expository essay might be similar, but they vary greatly regarding the sum of pre-writing and research involved. At times, however, a narrative isn't about such primary topics. A narrative essay definition can fluctuate in various universities and schools. A personal narrative essay is just one of the greatest tools to stop social issues which are frequently disregarded. Whether it's an argumentative or expository essay which you are writing, it is vital to develop a clear thesis statement and an obvious sound reasoning. Narrative essays are frequently the norm in academia. They serve a wide variety of purposes. Expository essays are typical at the college level, and they're primarily research papers. Writing a sports essay is just one of the most exciting writing experiences you're ever going to encounter. It will be beneficial to differentiate between primary and secondary sources as you construct your bibliography. You need to be able to seek out examples in any excellent newspaper, or on public television.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Ethical issues in counseling Essay Example For Students
Ethical issues in counseling Essay countertransference and the expert therapist, this study looks at how beginning therapists rate five factors theorized to be important in countertransference management: (I) anxiety management, (2) conceptualizing skills, (3) empathic ability, (4) self-insight and (5) self-integration. Using an adaptation of the Countertransference Factors Inventory (CFI) designed for the previously mentioned studies, 48 beginning therapists (34 women, 14 men) rated 50 statements as to their value in managing countertransference. Together, these statements make up subscales representing the five countertransference management factors. Beginners rated the factors similarly to experts, both rating self-insight and self-integration highest. In looking at the personal characteristics which might influence ones rating of the factors, males and females rated self-insight and self-integration highest. As months in personal and/or group psychotherapy went up, the factors ratings went down, and an even stronger negative correlation was found with age. Generally, beginners rated the factors higher than the experts. Beginners who are older and/or have had more therapy rated the factors more like the experts. The word countertransference was coined by Sigmund Freud in approxirnately the year 1901, at the dawning of psychoanalysis. In classical psychoanalysis, transference was seen as a distortion in the therapeutic relationship which occurred when the client unconsciously misperceived the therapist as having personality characteristics similar to someone in his/her past, while countertransference referred to the analysts unconscious, neurotic reaction to the patients transference (Freud, 1910/1959). Freud believed that countertransference impedes therapy, and that the analyst must recognize his/her countertransference in order to overcome it. In recent years, some schools of psychotherapy have expanded the definition of countertransference to include all conscious and unconscious feelings or attitudes a therapists has toward a client, holding that countertransference feelings are potentially beneficial to treatment (Singer Luborsky, 1977). Using more specific language, Corey (1991) defines countertransference as the process of seeing oneself in the client, of overidentifying with the client or of meeting needs through Common to all definitions of this construct is the belief that countertransference must be regulated or managed. If unregulated, a therapists blind spots may limit his/her therapeutic effectiveness by allowing clients to touch the therapists own unresolved areas, resulting in conflictual and irrational reactions. With greater awareness of the motivating forces behind ones own thoughts, feelings and behaviors, the therapist is less likely to distort the therapeutic relationship. Indeed, because countertransference originates in the unconscious, the more the therapist is able to bring into conscious awareness that which was hidden in the unconscious, the less he will find that his patients material stimulates countertransference reactions. (Hayes, Gelso, Van Wagoner Nonfacilitative countertransference is not just the passive act of misperception. It occurs when, as a result of the misperception, the therapists response to the client is based on his/her own need or issue rather than that of the client. Countertransference is an important issue for all therapists. Beginning therapists often address the issue in class sessions, groups and supervision, as well as in impromptu discussions. Generally, no therapist wants his/her unresolved issues to cloud the therapeutic process. Being in personal therapy and supervision are two ways a therapist can bring issues to conscious awareness and deal with countertransference (Fromm Reichmann, 1950; Gelso Carter, 1985; Heimann, 1950; Reich, 1960), but are there other ways? Are there specific personal characteristics which enable the therapist to deal successfully with Although little theory and research address these issues, Hayes, et al. (1991) and Van Wagoner, Gelso, Hayes and Diemer (1991) studied the personal characteristics that therapists believe assist them in the management of countertransference. .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6 , .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6 .postImageUrl , .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6 , .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6:hover , .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6:visited , .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6:active { border:0!important; } .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6:active , .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6 .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u4552264567738125ff28b358edd492e6:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: adsfasdf Essay The five therapist qualities theorized to assist the effective management of countertransference were (I) anxiety management, (2) conceptualizing skills, (3) empathic ability, (4) self-insight and (5) self-integration. Using these studies as an anchor, this study looks at how beginning therapists rate the effectiveness of the five qualities in helping them manage countertransference, and it explores whether gender, age and months in individual and/or group Bibliography: .
Sunday, December 1, 2019
What Is Marijuana Marijuana Is A Drug Obtained From Dried And Crumple
What Is Marijuana? Marijuana is a drug obtained from dried and crumpled parts of the hemp plant Cannabis sativa (or Cannabis indica). It can be smoked by rolling in tobacco paper or placing in a pipe. It is also otherwise consumed worldwide by an estimated 200,000,000 persons for pleasure, an escape from reality, or relaxation. The main active principle of cannabis is tetrahydrocannabinol. "Marijuana is not a narcotic and is not mentally or physically addicting drug. One can use mild cannabis preparations such as marijuana in small amounts for years without physical or mental deterioration. Marijuana serves to diminish inhibitions and acts as a euphoriant. Some who smoke marijuana feel no effects; others feel relaxed and sociable, tend to laugh a great deal, and have a profound loss of the sense of time. Characteristically, those under the influence of marijuana show incoordination and impaired ability to perform skilled acts. Still others experience a wide range of emotions including feelings of perception, fear, insanity, happiness, love and anger" (Annas 19). Although marijuana is not addicting, it may be habituating. The individual may become psychologically rather than physically dependent on the drug. Those who urge the legalization of marijuana maintain the drug are entirely safe. The available data suggested, this is not so. Marijuana occasionally produces acute panic reactions or even transient psychoses. Furthermore, a person driving under the influence of marijuana is a danger to themselves and others. There is no established medical use for marijuana or any other cannabis preparation. In the United States, its use is a crime and the laws governing marijuana are similar to those regulating heroin. Many authorities now urge that the laws be modified to mitigate the penalties relating to conviction on marijuana possession charges. The Case for Legalizing Marijuana use the United States stands apart from many nations in its deep respect for the individual. The strong belief in personal freedom appears early in the nation's history. The Declaration of Independence speaks of every citizen's right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The Constitution and Bill of Rights go further, making specific guarantees. The right to privacy in recent years, Americans have referred to privacy as one of the basic human rights, something to be claimed by anyone, anywhere. United States citizens feel strongly about this and often tell other countries that they must honor their people's claims to privacy and personal freedom. The marijuana user is indulging in a minor pleasure over which that government should have no jurisdiction. It is quite clear from survey data that most people do not become physically dependent on marijuana. The majority uses it as others use alcohol - to relax occasionally and to indulge a festive mood. How can a mild intoxicant, taken less than once a day by most users, be seen as a public threat? The law should not penalize even those who are "hooked", or psychologically dependent upon their habit. Some people find any compulsive and unproductive behavior disgusting. But that is not a reason for outlawing it. The attempt to use the law to tell people what they may and may not consume at home is an arrogant invasion of personal privacy. Protecting the drug user's physical health sometimes it is said that the law must protect the drug user from himself. One of the detriments of tolerating drug use, according to this theory, is that is encourages the use of more and different drugs. The National Institute on Drug Abuse's 1984 report to Congress cited no evidence to support the idea that drug use is hurting economic productivity. It said: The fact is, very little is known about the complex relationship which undoubtedly exists between drug abuse, worker performance, and productivity, or the lack thereof.... Simply put, the number of unanswered questions currently far outnumbers the available answers. Nor is there any strong evidence that legalizing marijuana would increase use of the drug. In fact, there is some evidence suggesting that drug use under a relaxed legal system might not increase at all. Many states have removed the penalties for marijuana possession that were on the books in the 1950s and 1960s. The change occurred during a reform movement that swept the nation in the mid 1970s. Yet in spite of the
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