Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Dell Business Analysis: Organisation and Effectiveness
Dell Business Analysis: Organization and Effectiveness Rundown The examination is about investigation of circulation channel the board at Dell Computers, UK. My work is progressively viable in nature, examining the Distribution Channels of Dell, both at a vital and an operational level. I would break down the business work on its productivity and viability, contrasting and the other business entertainers. I would for the most part be looking at the capacity against Sony Electronics, the most regarded name in multi-channel dispersion arrange; Acer, pioneer of significant worth figuring items and exclusive brands like Advent. The examination means to break down and study the dispersion direct of Dell in UK, dissemination channel of its rivals, productivity and viability of Dells Distribution channel when contrasted with its rivals. Furthermore, in view of the exploration and investigation propose suggestions to upgrade its adequacy. The writing survey area of the exposition investigates the meaning of conveyance, channel, and circulation channel and dispersion channel the board. Aside from that the area likewise looks at the exercises and the degrees of conveyance channel. The last 50% of the segment centers around the circulation technique received by Dell, Sony and Acer. Examination is led by methods for contextual analysis just as study. Contextual analysis investigation consolidates the examination and adequacy of the circulation technique of Acer, Sony and Dell. Two arrangement of surveys are intended to gather information from the end client and the channel accomplices. Aside from that optional information is utilized from books, diaries, organization reports and archives, government sites though essential information is gathered by methods for overview survey disseminated channel accomplices and the end clients. In every one of the 50 surveys are gathered appropriately rounded out of 60 polls being convey ed to the end client while the survey for the channel accomplices was send to 50 channel accomplices out of which just 30 reactions were gotten. Polls were conveyed utilizing overview dissemination administrations of a site. Care was taken to guarantee that various segment is secured for the review. The examination has its own downsides, for example, the work restricted to the English market. Monetary and time limitations of my semester imply that Im not ready to lead a worldwide examination that would be increasingly able for this situation. Another impediment is a large portion of my work is directed through an individual perception strategy; as such it is inclined to my own inclination. Thirdly conveyance channel model is a delicate bit of organization data. To the extent data on the contenders conveyance channel is concerned its bit troublesome. Part 1: Introduction This section will present the point, determine the key point and targets of the exposition, talk about the exploration approach and express the thesis plot. The key point of this part is to set up the establishment for the examination theme by giving out fundamental data. 1.1 Introduction The exploration is about investigation of dissemination channel the board at Dell Computers, UK. The exposition is progressively handy in nature, considering the Distribution Channels of Dell, both at a key and an operational level. I would break down the business work on its proficiency and viability, contrasting and the other business entertainers. I would for the most part be contrasting the capacity against Sony Electronics, the most regarded name in multi-channel circulation organize; Acer, pioneer of significant worth figuring items and exclusive brands like Advent. Dell Inc. is a multibillion dollar, global innovation firm that makes, creates, sells and supports individualized computing and PC related items. Dell has seen a fast development to get one of the main three sellers in the PC fabricating industry, and has seen a significant increment in share cost and market esteem. While numerous different organizations couldn't deal with the requests of the opposition, Dell has demonstrated effective in such a situation. The principle key to progress to Dell has been its two inventive practices that is immediate deals and work to-arrange plan of action. This model is straightforward as an idea yet exceptionally complex to execute, particularly in the current states of fast development and change. Dell has constantly recharged and expanded its plan of action while finding some kind of harmony among control and edibility. Dell made changes in its structure, assembling, acquisition, and coordinations procedures to lessen the expenses, and to accelerate the whole dissemination framework. It has ventured into International markets and it began making note pad and server product offerings which has prompted remarkable benefits for dell, and has given an extraordinary market an incentive for the organization. Dell has arrived at deals of $18.2 billion continuously 1998, with a benefit of $1.46 billion, and Dells piece of the pie in the PC advertise developed from 3% in 1995 to 9.2% in the year 1999 with stock cost expanding by multiple times. Dells advertise capitalization has reached $100 billion. 1.2 Research point and Questions The main role of my exploration work is to examine the job circulation diverts play in the working of a business, both over the long haul and in the short run. My investigation is to introduce a definite depiction of the one of a kind appropriation channel received by Dell Inc., break down its proficiency and adequacy, recognize potential escape clauses and set forth proposals for advancement. My investigation is being attempted with a plan to address the accompanying examination questions: * How are the different circulation channels sorted out inside Dell Inc.? * How can it contrast and its rivals? * How successful and effective is this channel the executives at Dell? * What should be possible to improve it? The four exploration questions are the directing squares of my whole examination and the entirety of the work would be done, keeping them in see. Circulation Channels inside Dell: I would be taking a gander at Dells inventive dispersion channel the board which has truly reformed the significance of Direct Marketing in the customer hardware space. Direct promoting is as yet the essential appropriation system inside Dell. I would archive the development of this idea inside Dell directly from its modified deals system during PCs Limited to the mind boggling and modern frameworks that it utilizes as of now. I would introduce a visual of the whole dissemination arrange that it remains at today. Examination with its rivals: I would look at the dynamic dissemination frameworks of its most outstanding opponents. Sony and Acer are the brands that I would think upon. I would be taking a gander at the systems embraced in various economies, however my essential focus would be on the English markets. Productivity and Effectiveness: I would lead a productivity and adequacy trial of Dells amazing circulation arrange against its rivals. This would be an observational examination. I would focus on the boundaries of Customer Satisfaction and Vendor relationship the executives. Suggestions: At last, I would advance proposals for future improvements alongside the money saving advantage investigation of such usage. 1.3 Research approach The investigation is directed by gathering auxiliary information and essential information. Auxiliary information is gathered from books, diaries, government sites, organization archives while essential information is gathered by methods for overview survey dispersed among channel accomplices and the end clients. Members of exploration would be middle people in the dispersion arrange and the end client. So as to choose the members the investigation has utilized delineated arbitrary examining technique so as to ensure that significant segment portions are spoken to while choosing the examples (Rao Skinner, 1996). Survey configuration comprises of two sections. The initial segment contained the segment data while the second part harped on every one of the subjects recognition on every factor utilizing five point likert scales from 1 (â€Å"Strongly Agree†) to 5(â€Å"Strongly Disagree†). The examination didn't require any help from an outsider or some other foundation. So as to gather information the investigation utilized online interface review to convey overview and get reactions. The framework was planned so that the respondent need to present all the appropriate responses. Out of 60 polls, reactions for 50 studies were acquired. The length for the study was kept as about fourteen days, an update mail was being sent to the respondents toward the finish of week one to remind them. 1.4 Importance of the investigation Associations have been experiencing vital changes over the previous decade. All the more so in the recent years. The current downturn has demonstrated that hazard the executives and key arranging are generally indispensable for an associations durable and self-continuing execution. My work will endeavor to feature one such regions of key reasoning and advise the senior administration about the advantages in question. 1.5 Research Scope My work would fundamentally be focused on the UK showcase. Despite the fact that Dell is a worldwide enterprise with delegates present over the globe, all moving in the direction of framing a compelling worth chain to boost business potential and guarantee productivity in activities; UK being the second greatest market after the US will be a general estimation of the whole hierarchical conduct. Moreover, the cosmopolitan idea of London and segment assorted variety guarantees that it would be a nearby gauge of everyone. 1.5 Limitation of Research I expect to embrace my examination as thoroughly as could reasonably be expected. As in any examination work, intrinsic are some unavoidable downsides in my investigation. Not many of them are: * Financial and Time Constraints: As illustrated previously, the extent of my work is restricted to the English market. Monetary and time limitations of my semester imply that Im not ready to conduc
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Strategic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 9
Vital Management - Essay Example The central inquiry that the creator is tending to, how does vital HRM advance pondering the open workforce? This is about the job of human asset and the best practice that evade viable administration of the human asset in the postindustrial society. Such an inquiry helps the creators exhibit the horde changes the asset itself just as the practices to oversee it has experienced along the worthwhile bundles connected to powerful HRM in current vital administration. The most significant data of the article is that key criticalness of the human asset and its beginning, especially the modification of the merchandise and enterprises creation administrations. The article thinks about that pre-mechanical and post-modern periods against the essentialness appended to individuals in the last products and ventures as for strategic and operational significance. In the pre-present day world, the article takes note of how individual were operationally hugeness when they filled in as basic work that finished in the creation of physical items or administrations. To be sure, the pre-assembling and office activities saw individuals alloted to the specific position dependent on the modern based associations in which authoritative groups of obligations, obligations and undertakings decided how HR were used. In any case, in the post-mechanical period individuals are strategic and experiences monstrous preparing, fluctuated and not effectively compatible with a pro gressively unpredictable authoritative structures when differentiated to the early modern framework. Accordingly, the arrangement of human asset is right now controlled by administrative styles., resolve and human associations, human learning just as association structure. Also, there is a horde change in the post-mechanical framework regarding the connections among profitability and individuals. This approves the noteworthiness of HRM as profitability outperforms an insignificant meaning of
Friday, August 7, 2020
29 Of the Best Office Pranks Practical Jokes to Use at Work
29 Of the Best Office Pranks Practical Jokes to Use at Work Working nine to five (or longer) is not necessarily fun. And even if you would consider your work interesting in general, there are certainly days or periods when everyone gets slightly demotivated, bored and nervous.Those days call for action and action means-pranks!Now, I wouldn’t say I lack the sense of humor but researching through the internet and seeing all pranks creative employees around the world thought and pulled off… No other word but, amazing!Some people actually devote tremendous efforts into messing up with their coworkers and some of these epic pranks are, at times, truly impressive!We all know that best results happen when one dedicates time, energy and resources and this applies to successful pranks as well.Sometimes it only takes a really good idea, but more often, it is simply ‘the more, the better’.A few words of wisdom before I guide you through some of my favorite office pranks…GOLDEN RULES OF SUCCESSFUL PRANKINGDo not insult (I mean really insult) yo ur coworkers or even worse, boss.Pranks should be fun, not insulting. The result of it should be a lot of laughter, not a bunch of coworker hating your guts or not talking to you for the next six months.Do not destroy property (either company’s or your college’s).Ok, of course, some glue, post its, some stationary material… All that should be fine, but try not to cause any permanent damage to one’s property (like scratch ones car?) or cause relevant losses to the company’s budget.Do not prank in anger!It may be tempting, but don’t do it… Chances are you’ll overdue it and someone will get angry, hurt or seriously annoyed.Pranks are best served cold.Do not do anything illegal!Just don’t do it…No drugs, torture, prostitution or prohibited websites. To give an example: Do not put drugs in your colleges desk and call the police. Chances are you’ll both end up being questioned and/or in custody.No discriminatory statements/behavior.I am a fan of cross-racial, slightl y discriminatory(sh) jokes myself. It’s true and I usually own it.Nevertheless, I wouldn’t pull them off with most of the people I work with… I don’t really know them well enough and I don’t really know their level of tolerance when it comes to such matters.Furthermore, jokes and pranks are not the same. Pranks are a lot more public and you don’t really want people to take you for a hater of black/gay/women, do you?So, try to keep it civilized.Prank people you know or know won’t mind it.This is a pretty general statement… If a prank is moderate and decent, you can pull it off without considering your victims that much.Still, I am under impression that pranking is much better with people you know or, at least, get along well with.The feeling that you crossed the line is not really a pleasant one and these situations may result in some seriously awkward atmosphere in the office.No pranks with clients around!This one is self-explanatory.To you, it may seem like a fantas tic fun, clients will most probably consider this seriously unprofessional. Stick to the golden rule: Pranks are for internals, leave externals out of it.29 AMAZING OFFICE PRANKSWe will start off with a few easy ones and slowly reach the culmination with either most complicated or simply, most disturbing and riskier pranks… Don’t say I didn’t warn you and prepare to be inspired!1. Easy yet effective… Source: User Devanalyse on InstagramOk, this one is handy when you want to pull off a quick prank with limited time and resources. Pro tip: Works better on people who panic easily and/or hate insects!2. Another no brainer Source: PinterestYou just need a slimy in white or any color… Again, very fast and easy and the terrified look on a colleges face is guaranteed. Warning: Some shouting and curses may also come up, depending on how temperamental a person is.3. Simple yet brilliant Source: User Farewelltomediocrity on TumblrI mean… I can’t wait for a new toaster or microwave in our office kitchen!This is so simple: you basically don’t need any time or material, apart from a piece of paper.But just imagine your serious colleges talking to a toaster…Priceless!4. For that college you really want embarrassed Source: User 12q9et on RedditIt’s a no brainer and its effective… The downside is that it’s not too creative and that you only get one shot at it… A person will remove it, immediately after he/she sits on the chair, but sure, that moment will be embarrassing.You can use it on that person who never realizes how load he/she actually is… Quitte a subtle way to tell someone to be quitter, right? 5. Mouse malfunction Source: Iruntheinternet.comCover the laser of the mouse and watch magic happen.Pro tip: Works ten times better on people who are easily annoyed… It will be funny, but do stop them if they start hitting the mouse though!6. Just cruel Source: Instagram user scotchandsarcasmThis one can be super successful with people who like their desserts. Still, bear in mind that some people take food matters rather personal. Like my college bestie… I think this kind of prank would seriously kill her mood for the whole.If you are unsure how successful it’ll go, try observing potential victim’s reaction to an empty Nutella jar in the kitchen. If she/he reacts to this rather emotionally, try finding another target. Or go ahead if you don’t mind a bit of drama.Pro tip: If you want to make it even more painful, content should consist of something particularly unattractive like broccoli, carrots, or the absolute worst, garlic.7. Still in the ‘food’ section but slightly more drastic Source: Rant LifestyleChanging the actual ingredients is not touching someone’s weak spot for food. I speak for myself: I hate garlic/onion. If I took a bite of it, thinking I am eating sugared/caramelized apples, I wouldn’t account for my actions.Therefore, don’t pull these off with people you don’t know or aren’t close with… They may seriously hate you and violence is not entirely excluded.8. For that one person with post-its overuse problems Source: worldwideinterweb.comPersonally, I am somewhere between admiration and sadness with this one. I hate paper and office supplies waste but ok… I am slightly obsessed.On another note, these pranks are IMPRESSIVE! One could even say the second one is a masterpiece. Also, post its are easily removable (even though it may take some time), so no harm done to the furniture or walls…9. Pimp my ride Source: User Mayivy on Flickr.comI love this one! Amazing and I am seriously considering pulling it off when I have some time to spare (because this prank may take a while).Tremendous effort, great style and if the other person has a sense of humor, he/she will ride this car proudly as long as possible! I actually don’t see how anyone could not like this one, it’s just fantastic.10. Spectacular! Source: User williebeth on RedditNo further comment necessary for this one. To me, it’s more of a great surprise than a prank… At least I would consider it so.Warning: The only time this could be considered inappropriate is when a room is actually to be used for meetings with externals… If you don’t remember, leave these pictures and go back to the rules for successful pranking-No pranks with externals!11. I don’t know where one gets the money for this, but… Source: DailymailThere are many versions of this prank circling online. Bags of candies, chips, cookies etc.I think it is self-explanatory but I will still stress this one out: BAGS. The content should still be in a plastic bag (one big one or many smaller ones), because otherwise, the aftermath will not be amusing for anyone.Imagine the cleaning which would have to be conducted and possible damage to the computer and other equipment. Mindful packing and all will be good.12. A more brutal variation: Be careful Source: worldwideinterweb.comFilling a person’s cubical with paper and well, trash may not be super funny for everyone. This one is more for coworkers you know like it a bit more extreme.Again, it is a tremendous effort to do something like this but mind people’s feelings… You don’t want anyone to feel like trash13. Crime scene in the office Source: worldwideinterweb.comOne of my favorites! Inspirational, creative, a brief godfather reference… In other words, a masterpiece.14. A true fan/Belieber Source: worldwideinterweb.comThis one takes a bit of effort, that’s for sure… The example in case shows a Justin Bieber setup but you can do it with literally any famous person your college finds extremely annoying.The point is to hit the weak spot and make it as girly as possible. Exaggeration is key here!15. Make it creepy-It will be forgiven! Source: DoseI find these toys extremely creepy…The same with clowns. The same with other people’s or artificial hair… Just don’t do this to me, otherwise, go ahead.16. Undefined: Somewhere between creepy and cute Source: LOL PranksI don’t know what to say about this one… A strange feeling of discomfort isn’t really leaving while looking at these pictures… Fur rats? The first impression to this prank would most probably be shock and fear.Could be very successful with a person who is seriously afraid of rats (screaming and all involved).So yes, high success rates guarantee, medium costs, no serious consequences involved… All in all, good prank ratio.17. This will scare the hell out of your colleges Source: BuzzfeedVery clever and not so hard to pull off. Success rate is guaranteed. I would say an overall good effort-success ratio… Be my guest…Pro tip: If you want to make it even more effective, put a picture of a creepy human up there (e.g. a woman from the ring/Nicolas Cage). It appears more real and it’ll take longer for a person to realize it’s not a joke… You are welcome.18. Speaking of creepy: Toilet terror at its best. Source: HubspotDon’t get me wrong…I don’t find Nicolas Cage creepy per se, but this setup?Pure gold: this facial expression, the location, the emotions it arouses (very weird). For some reason, Nicolas Cage is quite popular when it comes to office pranks (no idea why). I chose this arrangement because it speaks to me for some reason, but if interested, there is a lot more inspiration on the web. Feel free to explore…19. Speaking of toilet: Classic Source: LOL PranksClassic but works every time… Warning though: You may not necessarily want to pull this one off if your company’s employees are rather old-fashioned/conservative. In other words, try not to stress people out.20. Wrap it up! Source: User Tbertor1 on TumblrAgain, I would be honored to find my table wrapped up, especially if it’s my birthday, but the majority would consider this to be a high-quality prank… Oh well, the categorization is rather subjective but the result is mesmerizing.21. Go green! Source: HubspotOk, this one is impressive in so many ways… It takes a keyboard, time, seeds and SOME dedication! A flower (plant) needs time to bloom so don’t expect immediate results but if you do succeed… Wow. I bet your college will remember that day in the office for the rest of his/her life.Personally, I don’t have the patience for this one, but I salute anyone who decides to pull it through. The result is truly spectacular!22. Go holiday Source: User Sanjeev on Imgur.comWe all have that one college who keeps talking about holidays on and on… This prank may be adequate for this kind of coworkers.Also, it could be a really nice/funny way to cheer up one of your colleges, reminding him/her that holidays are close and that more relaxed days are coming…And what a picturesque way to do that! This prank is one of those cases where exaggeration is crucial. ‘Under the see’ vibes and all that…23. That face-everywhere… Source: User Decentleaf on Imgur.comThis one is the biggest hit if conducted with boss’s pictures, on the boss himself/herself… A picture can also be a mugshot (I find this adds an extra touch).Be creative… The point is to have as many pictures of a person as possible, everywhere! Otherwise it doesn’t work. Let’s put it like this: The key is not to have any spare space left! 24. High school feels! Source: BlogspotHere, again, quantity is the key. You think one of your office buddies deserves a high school reminder?It is always special waking up after a party, and I am sure your college will appreciate you taking the time to make a real-life simulation of this situation, if even in the office… The liquid inside can be whatever you want, however, I would advise not to use alcoholic beverages to this purpose.Just imagine people coming to the office at 8am to smell that!On the other hand, if you are on the extreme side, be my guest… Just note that not everyone will find this amusing (possible suspension risk).25. For the man who never has enough time… Source: Instagram User alicetaywongAgain, this one is ten times more effective when performed on a boss or manager.Basically, you’ll want to do it to that one person that is always in the rush and ‘doesn’t have time’ for anything. I know, this one is not an easy one to pull (that’s why it’s number 25).First, it takes a toilet… A good opportunity to do something like this may be a toilet renovation or a general office renovation. Otherwise, any time if you can get the necessary tools/equipment!Also, as much as I am sure your boss/coworker will appreciate the effort, you may want to make sure he/she will actually be okay with this prank, hence, not offended that you dared to redecorate his/her office in such a way.26. Where is my car? Source: User gcbb on flickr.comThis pig is someone’s car! INCREDIBLE-No further comments…27. That’s it, you are getting suspended! Source: WorldWideInterwebYou most probably are…But is it not so worth it? I don’t even know how one gets this advanced… Here we are talking serious pranks, level magic.If you can’t pull this off, it’s perfectly fine… This one is for professionals and the one who does this is bound to become an office legend. No further comments needed.28. No extra effort for extra results! Source: BuzzFeedSmart: no other word for this prank. Ok, the seriousness level is awarded because of the actual disruption which may result for the people in the office. If there are, let’s say, only two toilets at the office, this prank may cause some seriously misfortunate events…Anyway, I think it is genius and would love to see annoyed faces, knocking and yelling at this horrible guy for occupying toilet that long. Sorry, but he really couldn’t care less…29. Someone ACTUALLY did this. Source unrealitymag.comA winner. Golden jewel of office pranks. Completely surreal. And yet, someone actually did this. Brought an actual bear to the office and all.I don’t even want to know how, with what authorization and where he/she actually got the bear from… Illegal? Most probably… Phenomenal? Absolutely!This one is will be hard to beat.OFFICE PRANKS ROCK AND HERE IS WHYFirst of all, they are fun (or at least, should be). But it’s not only that… Pranks, as jokes, can also be used to convey powerful and meaningful messages.You want someone to chill with their food habits/talks-Food prank.You want someone to stop complaining about holidays, being tired etc.-Holiday/vacation prank.You want to point out post its and paper overuse-Post it pranks.And this list of examples, of course, is not exclusive…Naturally, pranks are also a lot of fun and can be used to improve the overall atmosphere in the office, to relax tension and also, get teams to bond.Yes, when people come to gether to prank, they start thinking more like a team and this enhances the overall sense of unity. Nice, right?Therefore, pranks can actually be very beneficious for the atmosphere in the workplace (as long as you keep it within certain boundaries). Go ahead, be a party-starter, make people laugh.A person that doesn’t appreciate a high-quality prank is just weird, so don’t worry about those Unless this person is your boss… In this case, you may want to leave pranking for outside the office.Otherwise, bring it on!
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Analysis Of The Poem The Unknown Citizen - 1518 Words
â€Å"The Unknown Citizen†by W.H Auden and â€Å"next to of course god america i†by e.e. cumming are two poems that deal with similar issues. They both address the issue of dying soldiers and blame blind patriotism for the deaths of these soldiers. The theme of both poems deals with the need for citizens to become more outspoken and follow their own beliefs instead of simply following their country. However, each poem addresses a topic that isn’t found in the other poem, and the poems themselves are structurally different. Auden’s poem is simply a description of a man who lived in the past. It is very reasonable to say that this man lived in the first half of the 20th Century, considering the fact that Auden states that the average person owned: â€Å"a phonograph, a radio, a car and a Frigidaire†(line 21). At the beginning of the poem, the man is described as a â€Å"saint†(4). However, as the poem/description continues, it becomes apparent that he was hardly a praise-worthy person. He was simply a man who did what he was told. In Bruce Meyer’s essay, he states that â€Å"the Unknown Citizen was a law-abiding veteran and union member who served his community through his very facelessness and his participation in a consumer society†(par. 9). He was never â€Å"odd in his views†, meaning that he was completely conformed to the views of the nation (Auden 9). The poem continues to describe this excessively normal man, and at the end of the poem, Auden writes: â€Å"Was he free? Was he happy? The questionShow MoreRelatedPoem Analysis: The Unknown Citizen Essay977 Words  | 4 Pagesthose who actually never do anything. However, the Unknown Citizen has a monument built as a symbol of his perfection. Thus, Audens The Unknown Citizen shows how the government makes each individual merely a number unless they do not conform to societys norms. The monument of the unknown citizen is erected not to honor the memory of a man, but to show how he is the perfect example of a good citizen (Auden). In this poem, the citizen is just an average person who never stands out amongRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Unknown Citizen And The Short Story The Lottery 1230 Words  | 5 PagesUnexpected Truth The Poem Unknown Citizen and the short story The Lottery give examples how people can rebel and conform in different ways. The way these stories were written evokes a lot of emotions, from anger to confusion. In life there are two people in the world, ones who conform to every whim and those who will rebel to create a difference in their society or others. The Unknown Citizen, by W. H. Auden, is about a man who obeys the law and does what needs to done by a normal citizen. The author paintedRead MoreThe Unknown Citizen by W.H. Auden Essay970 Words  | 4 PagesThe Unknown Citizen by W.H. Auden The poem that I am going to talk about is the Unknown Citizen by W.H Auden. I am going to talk about what I first glimpse in the poem but then after further study what you actually see. At the start of the poem under the title it hasRead MoreThe Unknown Citizen By. Auden1527 Words  | 7 PagesThe Unknown Citizen Analysis The Unknown Citizen, written by W.H. Auden, is a satirical poem declaring the petty accomplishments achieved by an unnamed citizen in a presumably American or industrialized society. Through several readings of the poem, many would not even consider the Unknown Citizen as a poem, but rather, a letter of recommendation or a speech for a political election. The only obvious characteristic of this piece resembling a poem is the rhyming scheme. Other than rhyming, thereRead More Analysis of The Unknown Citizen by W.H. Auden Essay examples1464 Words  | 6 PagesAnalysis of The Unknown Citizen by W.H. Auden â€Å"The Unknown Citizen†, written by W.H. Auden during 1940, is a poem where the speaker, a representative of the state or government, directs a speech to the audience about a monument being erected for a citizen. Written in free verse, although using many couplets, this poem is a poem that describes the life of a certain person through his records and documents. This citizen is portrayed as a normal and average human being who is being honouredRead MoreThe Unknown Citizen by W.H.Auden1320 Words  | 5 PagesThe poem â€Å"The Unknown Citizen†by W.H. Auden is a poem with a strong message to a wide audience. It portrays a political system’s control over its citizen. The poem is telling us we are a product of our countries, we are nothing but a number of digits to be identified. The poem revolves around the life of the unknown citizen, JS/07/M/378, who was granted a monument by the government in honor of his flawless life in an un-free society. He is by all means the perfect citizen, the citizen who has devotedRead MoreWho Are We to Judge? Essay example578 Words  | 3 Pagesand Wystan Audens, The Unknown Citizen try to do this. Who is to say that their analysis of the two characters is correct? The two poems are based only on what is observed, not what is known. Richard Cory is structured in a very consistent, easy to read manner, but is as harsh and radical as the form is classical and neat. The poem is an extended description of a man, a very rich, successful man, named Richard Cory. The narrator of the poem spends a good part of the poem, the first three stanzasRead MoreAnalysis Of Auden s The Unknown Citizen, And Funeral Blues All By Auden2119 Words  | 9 Pagesduring this period was strong, influenced mostly by his experiences in the Spanish Civil War, but his social views were always more complex labels that were given to him. Three works of Auden that can be analysed are â€Å"September 1, 1939†, â€Å"The Unknown Citizen†, and â€Å"Funeral Blues†all by Auden all share ideas of totalitarianism and death even though they all have varying structures. Auden was born in York, England on February 21, 1907. He was raised in a very industrial area in Northern EnglandRead MoreCritical Analysis Of Richard Cory820 Words  | 4 PagesThe poem â€Å"Richard Cory†is Robinson’s famous poem about a man named Richard Cory who was outwardly wealthy and admirable to many. The poem adopts an overly narrative style. Through this style, the poet is able to detail of the life and timesof Robinson Cory as a loner of the upper social class in America. It is a tale of internal conflict and dissatisfaction experienced by a man who everybody admired. The personadescribes him using finest terms such as ‘gentleman’ to denote of how people of the lowerRead MoreThe World Is Too Much With Us And The Unknown Citizen2049 Words  | 9 PagesWorld Is Too Much With Us / The Unknown Citizen†This is a critical analysis of two poems – The world is too much with us by William Wordsworth, and The Unknown Citizen by W.H. Auden focusing on how the two poems highlight the mundane drudgery of life. It is a drudgery, and one that people do not even recognize because they are consumed in leading materialistic ways of life, conforming to the state and the society or both. The text proceeds from analyzing each poem individually, and later draws parallels
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Culture of and Prejudice Against African Americans as...
African American’s have faced a great deal of harsh and cruel treatment throughout our society. From being stripped from their homeland of Africa and being brought to America as slaves, African Americans have seen and been through it all. Author and renowned poet Gwendolyn Elizabeth Brooks discuses and describes many of the cruel and unfair treatment that African Americans have faced throughout our civilization. Brooks’ not only speaks on the racial prejudice of African Americans, but she also discusses the heartaches, the life, and the growth of African Americans as a people. Brooks’ poetry and stories are very similar to her own experience growing up as an African American woman. Brooks’ uses the symbol of death many times in her†¦show more content†¦The sharp contrast between what could have been and what is sets off a mild dialectic of dreams versus reality. In the mother’s imagination these babies still exist and grow, function, and di e even while she knows they are dead (Shaw 56). Abortion is a very common thing for the black community. I believe when Brooks’ wrote this poem, she was able to put herself into the shoes of an African American woman who has aborted her child. â€Å"We Real Cool†is another famous poem by Gwendolyn Brooks. This poem describes seven African American high school dropouts who want everyone in their community to think they are cool. In the poem, the teenagers go in detail of how they live their lives. They speak of how they stay out late playing pool, fighting, singing, and drinking. Though they think they have everyone fooled, the teens know that the destructive lifestyle they lead will be the cause of an untimely death. During the time Brooks wrote this poem, the dropout rate for African American teens was reaching an all time high. In a journal article written by Gary Smith, he states that perhaps no other poem by Gwendolyn Brooks has been widely anthologized and generated as much critical debate as â€Å"We Real Cool.†Much of the criticism questions why seven, presumably black, youths spend substance of their lives in a wastefulShow MoreRelatedHow The Great Migration Impacted The Harlem Renaissance2641 Words  | 11 Pagesthe African American people were given a voice through the creative efforts of those who were directly involved and affected by the Great Migration. It had a great impact on what life was like for these people and their families and also impacted the society as a whole. This Great Migration began at the end of the start of World War I from 1917, however many African Americans had begun migrating even before then. After the Civil War, at the end of the 19th century when the African Americans were
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Game of Thrones Chapter Twenty-four Free Essays
string(37) " but it had never been his favorite\." Bran In the yard below, Rickon ran with the wolves. Bran watched from his window seat. Wherever the boy went, Grey Wind was there first, loping ahead to cut him off, until Rickon saw him, screamed in delight, and went pelting off in another direction. We will write a custom essay sample on A Game of Thrones Chapter Twenty-four or any similar topic only for you Order Now Shaggydog ran at his heels, spinning and snapping if the other wolves came too close. His fur had darkened until he was all black, and his eyes were green fire. Bran’s Summer came last. He was silver and smoke, with eyes of yellow gold that saw all there was to see. Smaller than Grey Wind, and more wary. Bran thought he was the smartest of the litter. He could hear his brother’s breathless laughter as Rickon dashed across the hard-packed earth on little baby legs. His eyes stung. He wanted to be down there, laughing and running. Angry at the thought, Bran knuckled away the tears before they could fall. His eighth name day had come and gone. He was almost a man grown now, too old to cry. â€Å"It was just a lie,†he said bitterly, remembering the crow from his dream. â€Å"I can’t fly. I can’t even run.†â€Å"Crows are all liars,†Old Nan agreed, from the chair where she sat doing her needlework. â€Å"I know a story about a crow.†â€Å"I don’t want any more stories,†Bran snapped, his voice petulant. He had liked Old Nan and her stories once. Before. But it was different now. They left her with him all day now, to watch over him and clean him and keep him from being lonely, but she just made it worse. â€Å"I hate your stupid stories.†The old woman smiled at him toothlessly. â€Å"My stories? No, my little lord, not mine. The stories are, before me and after me, before you too.†She was a very ugly old woman, Bran thought spitefully; shrunken and wrinkled, almost blind, too weak to climb stairs, with only a few wisps of white hair left to cover a mottled pink scalp. No one really knew how old she was, but his father said she’d been called Old Nan even when he was a boy. She was the oldest person in Winterfell for certain, maybe the oldest person in the Seven Kingdoms. Nan had come to the castle as a wet nurse for a Brandon Stark whose mother had died birthing him. He had been an older brother of Lord Rickard, Bran’s grandfather, or perhaps a younger brother, or a brother to Lord Rickard’s father. Sometimes Old Nan told it one way and sometimes another. In all the stories the little boy died at three of a summer chill, but Old Nan stayed on at Winterfell with her own children. She had lost both her sons to the war when King Robert won the throne, and her grandson was killed on the walls of Pyke during Balon Greyjoy’s rebellion. Her daughters had long ago married and moved away and died. All that was left of her own blood was Hodor, the simpleminded giant who worked in the stables, but Old Nan just lived on and on, doing her needlework and telling her stories. â€Å"I don’t care whose stories they are,†Bran told her, â€Å"I hate them.†He didn’t want stories and he didn’t want Old Nan. He wanted his mother and father. He wanted to go running with Summer loping beside him. He wanted to climb the broken tower and feed corn to the crows. He wanted to ride his pony again with his brothers. He wanted it to be the way it had been before. â€Å"I know a story about a boy who hated stories,†Old Nan said with her stupid little smile, her needles moving all the while, click click click, until Bran was ready to scream at her. It would never be the way it had been, he knew. The crow had tricked him into flying, but when he woke up he was broken and the world was changed. They had all left him, his father and his mother and his sisters and even his bastard brother Jon. His father had promised he would ride a real horse to King’s Landing, but they’d gone without him. Maester Luwin had sent a bird after Lord Eddard with a message, and another to Mother and a third to Jon on the Wall, but there had been no answers. â€Å"Ofttimes the birds are lost, child,†the maester had told him. â€Å"There’s many a mile and many a hawk between here and King’s Landing, the message may not have reached them.†Yet to Bran it felt as if they had all died while he had slept . . . or perhaps Bran had died, and they had forgotten him. Jory and Ser Rodrik and Vayon Poole had gone too, and Hullen and Harwin and Fat Tom and a quarter of the guard. Only Robb and baby Rickon were still here, and Robb was changed. He was Robb the Lord now, or trying to be. He wore a real sword and never smiled. His days were spent drilling the guard and practicing his swordplay, making the yard ring with the sound of steel as Bran watched forlornly from his window. At night he closeted himself with Maester Luwin, talking or going over account books. Sometimes he would ride out with Hallis Mollen and be gone for days at a time, visiting distant holdfasts. Whenever he was away more than a day, Rickon would cry and ask Bran if Robb was ever coming back. Even when he was home at Winterfell, Robb the Lord seemed to have more time for Hallis Mollen and Theon Greyjoy than he ever did for his brothers. â€Å"I could tell you the story about Brandon the Builder,†Old Nan said. â€Å"That was always your favorite.†Thousands and thousands of years ago, Brandon the Builder had raised Winterfell, and some said the Wall. Bran knew the story, but it had never been his favorite. You read "A Game of Thrones Chapter Twenty-four" in category "Essay examples" Maybe one of the other Brandons had liked that story. Sometimes Nan would talk to him as if he were her Brandon, the baby she had nursed all those years ago, and sometimes she confused him with his uncle Brandon, who was killed by the Mad King before Bran was even born. She had lived so long, Mother had told him once, that all the Brandon Starks had become one person in her head. â€Å"That’s not my favorite,†he said. â€Å"My favorites were the scary ones.†He heard some sort of commotion outside and turned back to the window. Rickon was running across the yard toward the gatehouse, the wolves following him, but the tower faced the wrong way for Bran to see what was happening. He smashed a fist on his thigh in frustration and felt nothing. â€Å"Oh, my sweet summer child,†Old Nan said quietly, â€Å"what do you know of fear? Fear is for the winter, my little lord, when the snows fall a hundred feet deep and the ice wind comes howling out of the north. Fear is for the long night, when the sun hides its face for years at a time, and little children are born and live and die all in darkness while the direwolves grow gaunt and hungry, and the white walkers move through the woods.†â€Å"You mean the Others,†Bran said querulously. â€Å"The Others,†Old Nan agreed. â€Å"Thousands and thousands of years ago, a winter fell that was cold and hard and endless beyond all memory of man. There came a night that lasted a generation, and kings shivered and died in their castles even as the swineherds in their hovels. Women smothered their children rather than see them starve, and cried, and felt their tears freeze on their cheeks.†Her voice and her needles fell silent, and she glanced up at Bran with pale, filmy eyes and asked, â€Å"So, child. This is the sort of story you like?†â€Å"Well,†Bran said reluctantly, â€Å"yes, only . . . â€Å" Old Nan nodded. â€Å"In that darkness, the Others came for the first time,†she said as her needles went click click click. â€Å"They were cold things, dead things, that hated iron and fire and the touch of the sun, and every creature with hot blood in its veins. They swept over holdfasts and cities and kingdoms, felled heroes and armies by the score, riding their pale dead horses and leading hosts of the slain. All the swords of men could not stay their advance, and even maidens and suckling babes found no pity in them. They hunted the maids through frozen forests, and fed their dead servants on the flesh of human children.†Her voice had dropped very low, almost to a whisper, and Bran found himself leaning forward to listen. â€Å"Now these were the days before the Andals came, and long before the women fled across the narrow sea from the cities of the Rhoyne, and the hundred kingdoms of those times were the kingdoms of the First Men, who had taken these lands from the children of the forest. Yet here and there in the fastness of the woods the children still lived in their wooden cities and hollow hills, and the faces in the trees kept watch. So as cold and death filled the earth, the last hero determined to seek out the children, in the hopes that their ancient magics could win back what the armies of men had lost. He set out into the dead lands with a sword, a horse, a dog, and a dozen companions. For years he searched, until he despaired of ever finding the children of the forest in their secret cities. One by one his friends died, and his horse, and finally even his dog, and his sword froze so hard the blade snapped when he tried to use it. And the Others smelled the hot blood in him, and came silen t on his trail, stalking him with packs of pale white spiders big as houndsâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬ The door opened with a bang, and Bran’s heart leapt up into his mouth in sudden fear, but it was only Maester Luwin, with Hodor looming in the stairway behind him. â€Å"Hodor!†the stableboy announced, as was his custom, smiling hugely at them all. Maester Luwin was not smiling. â€Å"We have visitors,†he announced, â€Å"and your presence is required, Bran.†â€Å"I’m listening to a story now,†Bran complained. â€Å"Stories wait, my little lord, and when you come back to them, why, there they are,†Old Nan said. â€Å"Visitors are not so patient, and ofttimes they bring stories of their own.†â€Å"Who is it?†Bran asked Maester Luwin. â€Å"Tyrion Lannister, and some men of the Night’s Watch, with word from your brother Jon. Robb is meeting with them now. Hodor, will you help Bran down to the hall?†â€Å"Hodor!†Hodor agreed happily. He ducked to get his great shaggy head under the door. Hodor was nearly seven feet tall. It was hard to believe that he was the same blood as Old Nan. Bran wondered if he would shrivel up as small as his great-grandmother when he was old. It did not seem likely, even if Hodor lived to be a thousand. Hodor lifted Bran as easy as if he were a bale of hay, and cradled him against his massive chest. He always smelled faintly of horses, but it was not a bad smell. His arms were thick with muscle and matted with brown hair. â€Å"Hodor,†he said again. Theon Greyjoy had once commented that Hodor did not know much, but no one could doubt that he knew his name. Old Nan had cackled like a hen when Bran told her that, and confessed that Hodor’s real name was Walder. No one knew where â€Å"Hodor†had come from, she said, but when he started saying it, they started calling him by it. It was the only word he had. They left Old Nan in the tower room with her needles and her memories. Hodor hummed tunelessly as he carried Bran down the steps and through the gallery, with Maester Luwin following behind, hurrying to keep up with the stableboy’s long strides. Robb was seated in Father’s high seat, wearing ringmail and boiled leather and the stern face of Robb the Lord. Theon Greyjoy and Hallis Mollen stood behind him. A dozen guardsmen lined the grey stone walls beneath tall narrow windows. In the center of the room the dwarf stood with his servants, and four strangers in the black of the Night’s Watch. Bran could sense the anger in the hall the moment that Hodor carried him through the doors. â€Å"Any man of the Night’s Watch is welcome here at Winterfell for as long as he wishes to stay,†Robb was saying with the voice of Robb the Lord. His sword was across his knees, the steel bare for all the world to see. Even Bran knew what it meant to greet a guest with an unsheathed sword. â€Å"Any man of the Night’s Watch,†the dwarf repeated, â€Å"but not me, do I take your meaning, boy?†Robb stood and pointed at the little man with his sword. â€Å"I am the lord here while my mother and father are away, Lannister. I am not your boy.†â€Å"If you are a lord, you might learn a lord’s courtesy,†the little man replied, ignoring the sword point in his face. â€Å"Your bastard brother has all your father’s graces, it would seem.†â€Å"Jon,†Bran gasped out from Hodor’s arms. The dwarf turned to look at him. â€Å"So it is true, the boy lives. I could scarce believe it. You Starks are hard to kill.†â€Å"You Lannisters had best remember that,†Robb said, lowering his sword. â€Å"Hodor, bring my brother here.†â€Å"Hodor,†Hodor said, and he trotted forward smiling and set Bran in the high seat of the Starks, where the Lords of Winterfell had sat since the days when they called themselves the Kings in the North. The seat was cold stone, polished smooth by countless bottoms; the carved heads of direwolves snarled on the ends of its massive arms. Bran clasped them as he sat, his useless legs dangling. The great seat made him feel half a baby. Robb put a hand on his shoulder. â€Å"You said you had business with Bran. Well, here he is, Lannister.†Bran was uncomfortably aware of Tyrion Lannister’s eyes. One was black and one was green, and both were looking at him, studying him, weighing him. â€Å"I am told you were quite the climber, Bran,†the little man said at last. â€Å"Tell me, how is it you happened to fall that day?†â€Å"I never,†Bran insisted. He never fell, never never never. â€Å"The child does not remember anything of the fall, or the climb that came before it,†said Maester Luwin gently. â€Å"Curious,†said Tyrion Lannister. â€Å"My brother is not here to answer questions, Lannister,†Robb said curtly. â€Å"Do your business and be on your way.†â€Å"I have a gift for you,†the dwarf said to Bran. â€Å"Do you like to ride, boy?†Maester Luwin came forward. â€Å"My lord, the child has lost the use of his legs. He cannot sit a horse.†â€Å"Nonsense,†said Lannister. â€Å"With the right horse and the right saddle, even a cripple can ride.†The word was a knife through Bran’s heart. He felt tears come unbidden to his eyes. â€Å"I’m not a cripple!†â€Å"Then I am not a dwarf,†the dwarf said with a twist of his mouth. â€Å"My father will rejoice to hear it.†Greyjoy laughed. â€Å"What sort of horse and saddle are you suggesting?†Maester Luwin asked. â€Å"A smart horse,†Lannister replied. â€Å"The boy cannot use his legs to command the animal, so you must shape the horse to the rider, teach it to respond to the reins, to the voice. I would begin with an unbroken yearling, with no old training to be unlearned.†He drew a rolled paper from his belt. â€Å"Give this to your saddler. He will provide the rest.†Maester Luwin took the paper from the dwarfs hand, curious as a small grey squirrel. He unrolled it, studied it. â€Å"I see. You draw nicely, my lord. Yes, this ought to work. I should have thought of this myself.†â€Å"It came easier to me, Maester. It is not terribly unlike my own saddles.†â€Å"Will I truly be able to ride?†Bran asked. He wanted to believe them, but he was afraid. Perhaps it was just another lie. The crow had promised him that he could fly. â€Å"You will,†the dwarf told him. â€Å"And I swear to you, boy, on horseback you will be as tall as any of them.†Robb Stark seemed puzzled. â€Å"Is this some trap, Lannister? What’s Bran to you? Why should you want to help him?†â€Å"Your brother Jon asked it of me. And I have a tender spot in my heart for cripples and bastards and broken things.†Tyrion Lannister placed a hand over his heart and grinned. The door to the yard flew open. Sunlight came streaming across the hall as Rickon burst in, breathless. The direwolves were with him. The boy stopped by the door, wide-eyed, but the wolves came on. Their eyes found Lannister, or perhaps they caught his scent. Summer began to growl first. Grey Wind picked it up. They padded toward the little man, one from the right and one from the left. â€Å"The wolves do not like your smell, Lannister,†Theon Greyioy commented. â€Å"Perhaps it’s time I took my leave,†Tyrion said. He took a step backward . . . and Shaggydog came out of the shadows behind him, snarling. Lannister recoiled, and Summer lunged at him from the other side. He reeled away, unsteady on his feet, and Grey Wind snapped at his arm, teeth ripping at his sleeve and tearing loose a scrap of cloth. â€Å"No!†Bran shouted from the high seat as Lannister’s men reached for their steel. â€Å"Summer, here. Summer, to me!†The direwolf heard the voice, glanced at Bran, and again at Lannister. He crept backward, away from the little man, and settled down below Bran’s dangling feet. Robb had been holding his breath. He let it out with a sigh and called, â€Å"Grey Wind.†His direwolf moved to him, swift and silent. Now there was only Shaggydog, rumbling at the small man, his eyes burning like green fire. â€Å"Rickon, call him,†Bran shouted to his baby brother, and Rickon remembered himself and screamed, â€Å"Home, Shaggy, home now.†The black wolf gave Lannister one final snarl and bounded off to Rickon, who hugged him tightly around the neck. Tyrion Lannister undid his scarf, mopped at his brow, and said in a flat voice, â€Å"How interesting.†â€Å"Are you well, my lord?†asked one of his men, his sword in hand. He glanced nervously at the direwolves as he spoke. â€Å"My sleeve is torn and my breeches are unaccountably damp, but nothing was harmed save my dignity.†Even Robb looked shaken. â€Å"The wolves . . . I don’t know why they did that . . . â€Å" â€Å"No doubt they mistook me for dinner.†Lannister bowed stiffly to Bran. â€Å"I thank you for calling them off, young ser. I promise you, they would have found me quite indigestible. And now I will be leaving, truly.†â€Å"A moment, my lord,†Maester Luwin said. He moved to Robb and they huddled close together, whispering. Bran tried to hear what they were saying, but their voices were too low. Robb Stark finally sheathed his sword. â€Å"I . . . I may have been hasty with you,†he said. â€Å"You’ve done Bran a kindness, and, well . . . †Robb composed himself with an effort. â€Å"The hospitality of Winterfell is yours if you wish it, Lannister.†â€Å"Spare me your false courtesies, boy. You do not love me and you do not want me here. I saw an inn outside your walls, in the winter town. I’ll find a bed there, and both of us will sleep easier. For a few coppers I may even find a comely wench to warm the sheets for me.†He spoke to one of the black brothers, an old man with a twisted back and a tangled beard. â€Å"Yoren, we go south at daybreak. You will find me on the road, no doubt.†With that he made his exit, struggling across the hall on his short legs, past Rickon and out the door. His men followed. The four of the Night’s Watch remained. Robb turned to them uncertainly. â€Å"I have had rooms prepared, and you’ll find no lack of hot water to wash off the dust of the road. I hope you will honor us at table tonight.†He spoke the words so awkwardly that even Bran took note; it was a speech he had learned, not words from the heart, but the black brothers thanked him all the same. Summer followed them up the tower steps as Hodor carried Bran back to his bed. Old Nan was asleep in her chair. Hodor said â€Å"Hodor,†gathered up his great-grandmother, and carried her off, snoring softly, while Bran lay thinking. Robb had promised that he could feast with the Night’s Watch in the Great Hall. â€Å"Summer,†he called. The wolf bounded up on the bed. Bran hugged him so hard he could feel the hot breath on his cheek. â€Å"I can ride now,†he whispered to his friend. â€Å"We can go hunting in the woods soon, wait and see.†After a time he slept. In his dream he was climbing again, pulling himself up an ancient windowless tower, his fingers forcing themselves between blackened stones, his feet scrabbling for purchase. Higher and higher he climbed, through the clouds and into the night sky, and still the tower rose before him. When he paused to look down, his head swam dizzily and he felt his fingers slipping. Bran cried out and clung for dear life. The earth was a thousand miles beneath him and he could not fly. He could not fly. He waited until his heart had stopped pounding, until he could breathe, and he began to climb again. There was no way to go but up. Far above him, outlined against a vast pale moon, he thought he could see the shapes of gargoyles. His arms were sore and aching, but he dared not rest. He forced himself to climb faster. The gargoyles watched him ascend. Their eyes glowed red as hot coals in a brazier. Perhaps once they had been lions, but now they were twisted and grotesque. Bran could hear them whispe ring to each other in soft stone voices terrible to hear. He must not listen, he told himself, he must not hear, so long as he did not hear them he was safe. But when the gargoyles pulled themselves loose from the stone and padded down the side of the tower to where Bran clung, he knew he was not safe after all. â€Å"I didn’t hear,†he wept as they came closer and closer, â€Å"I didn’t, I didn’t.†He woke gasping, lost in darkness, and saw a vast shadow looming over him. â€Å"I didn’t hear,†he whispered, trembling in fear, but then the shadow said â€Å"Hodor,†and lit the candle by the bedside, and Bran sighed with relief. Hodor washed the sweat from him with a warm, damp cloth and dressed him with deft and gentle hands. When it was time, he carried him down to the Great Hall, where a long trestle table had been set up near the fire. The lord’s seat at the head of the table had been left empty, but Robb sat to the right of it, with Bran across from him. They ate suckling pig that night, and pigeon pie, and turnips soaking in butter, and afterward the cook had promised honeycombs. Summer snatched table scraps from Bran’s hand, while Grey Wind and Shaggydog fought over a bone in the corner. Winterfell’s dogs would not come near the hall now. Bran had found that strange at first, but he was growing used to it. Yoren was senior among the black brothers, so the steward had seated him between Robb and Maester Luwin. The old man had a sour smell, as if he had not washed in a long time. He ripped at the meat with his teeth, cracked the ribs to suck out the marrow from the bones, and shrugged at the mention of Jon Snow. â€Å"Ser Alliser’s bane,†he grunted, and two of his companions shared a laugh that Bran did not understand. But when Robb asked for news of their uncle Benjen, the black brothers grew ominously quiet. â€Å"What is it?†Bran asked. Yoren wiped his fingers on his vest. â€Å"There’s hard news, m’lords, and a cruel way to pay you for your meat and mead, but the man as asks the question must bear the answer. Stark’s gone.†One of the other men said, â€Å"The Old Bear sent him out to look for Waymar Royce, and he’s late returning, my lord.†â€Å"Too long,†Yoren said. â€Å"Most like he’s dead.†â€Å"My uncle is not dead,†Robb Stark said loudly, anger in his tones. He rose from the bench and laid his hand on the hilt of his sword. â€Å"Do you hear me? My uncle is not dead!†His voice rang against the stone walls, and Bran was suddenly afraid. Old sour-smelling Yoren looked up at Robb, unimpressed. â€Å"Whatever you say, m’lord,†he said. He sucked at a piece of meat between his teeth. The youngest of the black brothers shifted uncomfortably in his seat. â€Å"There’s not a man on the Wall knows the haunted forest better than Benjen Stark. He’ll find his way back.†â€Å"Well,†said Yoren, â€Å"maybe he will and maybe he won’t. Good men have gone into those woods before, and never come out.†All Bran could think of was Old Nan’s story of the Others and the last hero, hounded through the white woods by dead men and spiders big as hounds. He was afraid for a moment, until he remembered how that story ended. â€Å"The children will help him,†he blurted, â€Å"the children of the forest!†Theon Greyjoy sniggered, and Maester Luwin said, â€Å"Bran, the children of the forest have been dead and gone for thousands of years. All that is left of them are the faces in the trees.†â€Å"Down here, might be that’s true, Maester,†Yoren said, â€Å"but up past the Wall, who’s to say? Up there, a man can’t always tell what’s alive and what’s dead.†That night, after the plates had been cleared, Robb carried Bran up to bed himself. Grey Wind led the way, and Summer came close behind. His brother was strong for his age, and Bran was as light as a bundle of rags, but the stairs were steep and dark, and Robb was breathing hard by the time they reached the top. He put Bran into bed, covered him with blankets, and blew out the candle. For a time Robb sat beside him in the dark. Bran wanted to talk to him, but he did not know what to say. â€Å"We’ll find a horse for you, I promise,†Robb whispered at last. â€Å"Are they ever coming back?†Bran asked him. â€Å"Yes,†Robb said with such hope in his voice that Bran knew he was hearing his brother and not just Robb the Lord. â€Å"Mother will be home soon. Maybe we can ride out to meet her when she comes. Wouldn’t that surprise her, to see you ahorse?†Even in the dark room, Bran could feel his brother’s smile. â€Å"And afterward, we’ll ride north to see the Wall. We won’t even tell Jon we’re coming, we’ll just be there one day, you and me. It will be an adventure.†â€Å"An adventure,†Bran repeated wistfully. He heard his brother sob. The room was so dark he could not see the tears on Robb’s face, so he reached out and found his hand. Their fingers twined together. How to cite A Game of Thrones Chapter Twenty-four, Essay examples
Friday, May 1, 2020
Skeletal Muscle and Answer Selected Answer free essay sample
Which of the following structures is most like an exoskeleton? Answer Selected Answer: E. a suit of armor Question 3 1 out of 1 points Which of the following structures constitutes part of the axial skeleton? Answer Selected Answer: C. skull Question 4 1 out of 1 points Which of the following attaches the forelimbs to the axial skeleton in a human? Answer Selected Answer: E. shoulder girdle Question 5 1 out of 1 points The calcium that triggers muscle contraction is stored in Answer Selected Answer: D. the sarcoplasmic reticulum (also known as the smooth ER). Question 6 1 out of 1 points The contacting surfaces of a moving joint, such as your hip joint, consist of Answer Selected Answer: B. cartilage. Question 7 0 out of 1 points Functionally, the muscle fibers fundamental unit of contraction is the Answer Selected Answer: D. Z line Question 8 1 out of 1 points Which of the following statements about locomotion is true? Answer Selected Answer: E. Locomotion requires animals to overcome friction and gravity. We will write a custom essay sample on Skeletal Muscle and Answer Selected Answer or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Question 9 1 out of 1 points To repair and heal a broken bone, physicians will Answer Selected Answer: B. return the broken bone parts to their natural position and then immobilize them. Question 10 1 out of 1 points Which part of a bone contains mostly stored fat? Answer Selected Answer: A. yellow bone marrow Question 11 1 out of 1 points Osteoporosis is characterized by Answer Selected Answer: B. structural deterioration of bone tissue Question 12 1 out of 1 points The neurotransmitter found at the synapse between nerves and human skeletal muscle cells is Answer Selected Answer: E. acetylcholine. Question 13 1 out of 1 points The cell bodies and dendrites of motor neurons are located in the Answer Selected Answer: C. central nervous system Question 14 1 out of 1 points The synapses between neurons and muscle fibers are called Answer Selected Answer: B. neuromuscular junctions Question 15 0 out of 1 points An airfoil provides lift because air moving over a wing must travel Answer Selected Answer: a lesser distance than air moving under the wing, creating a lower pressure system above the wing. Question 16 0 out of 1 points Structurally, a sarcomere is Answer Selected Answer: A. an array of myofibrils Question 17 1 out of 1 points Earthworms have Answer Selected Answer: E. hydrostatic skeleton Question 18 1 out of 1 points Which of the following animals has an endoskeleton made entirely of cartilage? Answer Selected Answer: D. nurse shark Question 19 1 out of 1 points If you lay your forearm along the table, you can rotate it so that your hand changes from a palm-down to a palm-up position. This is possible because your radius and ulna join at a Answer Selected Answer: D. pivot joint Question 20 0 out of 1 points Which part of a bone contains the cells that produce blood cells? Answer Selected Answer: D. yellow bone marrow Question 21 1 out of 1 points The shoulder joint where the humerus meets the shoulder girdle is an example of Answer Selected Answer: D. a ball-and-socket joint Question 22 1 out of 1 points A major difference between movement in humans and horses is Answer Selected Answer: B. differences in degree of joint flexibility Question 23 0 out of 1 points Bone is composed of Answer Selected Answer: A. a hard composite of phosphate and sodium ions Question 24 0 out of 1 points Evolution has provided enormous diversity in the number of vertebrae among vertebrate species. Vertebrae are differentiated during embryonic development by Answer Selected Answer: A. he length of the backbone. The role of calcium in muscle contraction is to Answer Selected Answer: D. make it possible for myosin to bind to actin. Question 26 0 out of 1 points An important function of the bones in the skeleton is to Answer Selected Answer: D. provide a source of calcium. Question 27 1 out of 1 points Which of the following statements about skeletal muscle fibers is true? Answer Selected Answer: A. Each muscle fiber contains actin and myosin Question 28 1 out of 1 points Which of the following animals has an exoskeleton?
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Battle of Arkansas Post - Civil War Battle of Arkansas Post - John McClernand
Battle of Arkansas Post - Civil War Battle of Arkansas Post - John McClernand Battle of Arkansas Post - Conflict: The Battle of Arkansas Post occurred during the American Civil War (1861-1865). Armies Commanders: Union Major General John McClernandRear Admiral David D. Porter32,000 men Confederate Brigadier General Thomas Churchill4,900 men Battle of Arkansas Post - Date: Union troops operated against Fort Hindman from January 9 to January 11, 1863. Battle of Arkansas Post - Background: While returning up the Mississippi River from his defeat at the Battle of Chickasaw Bayou in late December 1862, Major General William T. Sherman encountered the corps of Major General John McClernand. A politician turned general, McClernand had been authorized to make an attack against the Confederate stronghold of Vicksburg. The senior officer, McClernand added Shermans corps to his own and continued south accompanied by gunboats commanded by Rear Admiral David D. Porter. Alerted to the capture of the steamer Blue Wing, McClernand elected to abandon his attack on Vicksburg in favor of striking at Arkansas Post. Situated at a bend in the Arkansas River, Arkansas Post was manned by 4,900 men under Brigadier General Thomas Churchill, with defenses centered on Fort Hindman. Though a convenient base for raiding shipping on the Mississippi, the principal Union commander in the area, Major General Ulysses S. Grant, did not feel that it warranted shifting forces from efforts against Vicksburg to capture. Disagreeing with Grant and hoping to win glory for himself, McClernand diverted his expedition through the White River Cutoff and approached Arkansas Post on January 9, 1863. Battle of Arkansas Post - McClernand Lands: Alerted to McClernands approach, Churchill deployed his men to a series of rifle pits approximately two mile north of Fort Hindman with the goal of slowing the Union advance. A mile away, McClernand landed the bulk of his troops at Nortrebe’s Plantation on the north bank, while ordering a detachment to advance along the south shore. With the landings completed by 11:00 AM on January 10, McClernand began moving against Churchill. Seeing that he was badly outnumbered, Churchill fell back to his lines near Fort Hindman around 2:00. Battle of Arkansas Post - The Bombardment Begins: Advancing with his assault troops, McClernand was not in position to attack until 5:30. Porters ironclads Baron DeKalb, Louisville, and Cincinnati opened the battle by closing and engaging Fort Hindmans guns. Firing for several hours, the naval bombardment did not cease until after dark. Unable to attack in the darkness, the Union troops spent the night in their positions. On January 11, McClernand used the morning meticulously arranging his men for the assault on Churchills lines. At 1:00 PM, Porters gunboats returned to action with the support of artillery that had been landed on the south shore. Battle of Arkansas Post - The Assault Goes In: Firing for three hours, they effectively silenced the forts guns. As the guns fell silent, the infantry moved forward against the Confederate positions. Over the next thirty minutes, little progress was made as several intense firefights developed. At 4:30, with McClernand planning another massive assault, white flags began appearing along the Confederate lines. Taking advantage, the Union troops quickly seized the position and accepted the Confederate surrender. After the battle, Churchill firmly denied authorizing his men to capitulate. Aftermath of the Battle of Arkansas Post: Loading the captured Confederate on transports, McClernand had them sent north to prison camps. After ordering his men to raze Fort Hindman, he dispatched a sortie against South Bend, AR and began making plans with Porter for a move against Little Rock. Learning of McClernands diversion of forces to Arkansas Post and his intended Little Rock campaign, an irate Grant countermanded McClernands orders and demanded that he return with both corps. Given no choice, McClernand embarked his men and rejoined the main Union effort against Vicksburg. Considered an ambitious dilettante by Grant, McClernand was relieved later in the campaign. The fighting at Arkansas Post cost McClernand 134 killed, 898 wounded, and 29 missing, while Confederate estimates list 60 killed, 80 wounded, and 4,791 captured. Selected Sources CWSAC Battle Summaries: Battle of Arkansas PostNational Park Service: Arkansas Post
Thursday, March 5, 2020
10 dudas resueltas sobre el ajuste de estatus
10 dudas resueltas sobre el ajuste de estatus El ajuste de estatus es un trmite que permite a los migrantes presentes en Estados Unidos solicitar y obtener la tarjeta de residencia permanente, tambià ©n conocida como green card, sin necesidad de salir del paà s. Para completar este trmite del ajuste de estatus ,el migrante deber presentar, un formulario principal, planillas de apoyo, documentacià ³n de evidencia y, dependiendo del tipo de caso, pago de un arancel. Adems, puede ser necesaria una entrevista con un oficial migratorio, presentarse para la toma de datos biomà ©tricos y el envà o de documentacià ³n adicional a peticià ³n del Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). El ajuste de estatus se diferencia del proceso consular como procedimiento para la obtencià ³n de la green card en que en este à ºltimo el migrante debe estar fuera de los Estados Unidos y presentarse a una entrevista en una oficina consular estadounidense. Por su importancia migratoria, a continuacià ³n se aclaran las principales dudas sobre el ajuste de estatus. Ajuste de estatus El ajuste de estatus es un proceso que permite a los migrantes obtener la tarjeta de residencia permanente sin salir de EE.UU. No todos los migrantes pueden ajustar su estatus.En la actualidad es un proceso largo –o muy largo– y caro. Una de sus grandes ventajas es que evita las separaciones familiares y que el migrante en proceso de ajuste de estatus puede obtener un permiso de trabajo.  ¿Cules son las ventajas del ajuste de estatus? El ajuste de estatus brinda dos grandes ventajas para los migrantes. En primer lugar, permite que el proceso de adquirir la tarjeta de residencia permanente se desarrolle en su totalidad en Estados Unidos. Como consecuencia, el migrante se ahorra los gastos que generarà a la obligacià ³n de salir del paà s para completar el proceso y podrà a obtener un permiso de trabajo mientras se tramita el ajuste. En segundo lugar, los migrantes indocumentados que cumplen los requisitos para ajustar su estatus evitan tener que salir del paà s para arreglar los papeles a travà ©s del proceso consular y asà no activan el castigo de los tres y de los 10 aà ±os.  ¿Cules son los requisitos para el ajuste de estatus? Hay dos grandes requisitos. En primer lugar, calificar para sacar la tarjeta de residencia permanente por uno de los varios motivos establecidos por la ley. Son ejemplos comunes, pero no los à ºnicos, los siguientes: por peticià ³n de familiar por residente o ciudadano.por asilo o refugiadospor visa U (và ctima violencia) o T (trfico humano)por visa K-1 de prometido de ciudadanopor patrocinio de una empresaemigrantes especialescubanos, en aplicacià ³n de Ley de Ajuste Cubano, etc. En segundo lugar, es necesario, adems, calificar para beneficiarse del proceso de ajuste de estatus. Y es que no todos los migrantes que califican para la green card pueden beneficiarse del trmite del ajuste de estatus. Por ejemplo, no pueden ajustar su estatus, entre otros, los siguientes migrantes:cà ³nyuges y padres de ciudadanos que ingresaron ilegalmente a Estados Unidosfamiliares de residentes en situacià ³n de indocumentadoscà ³nyuge de ciudadano que ingresà ³ con visa K-1 y se casà ³ con persona distinta a su patrocinadortitulares de visa J-1 o J-2 de intercambio que estn sujetos a la obligacià ³n de residir fuera de EE.UU. por dos aà ±os.Otros casos. Cabe destacar que la ley permite excepciones a la regla general en ciertos casos, por ejemplo, para los migrantes que piden para sà el beneficio de VAWA por violencia domà ©stica. Formulario para solicitar el ajuste de estatus El formulario del USCIS para el ajuste de estatus es el I-485. En los casos excepcionales en los que el migrante puede sacar la green card en aplicacià ³n de la Seccià ³n 245(i) de la Ley de Naturalizacià ³n y Ciudadanà a (INA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s), tambià ©n deber completar el formulario I-485 Supplement A. Adems, se debern presentar otros formularios, como la Declaracià ³n de sostenimiento econà ³mico (affidavit of support, en inglà ©s), pero su naturaleza depende de la razà ³n por la que el migrante califica para sacar la green card. Cabe destacar que la mayorà a de los migrantes debern presentar una copia del I-94, registro de ingreso y de salida, para acreditar que entraron legalmente a los Estados Unidos. Asimismo, deber realizarse un examen mà ©dico. Conviene presentar tambià ©n al mismo tiempo la solicitud de permiso de trabajo y la solicitud de permiso para viajar, conocido en inglà ©s como advance parole. Si se presentan conjuntamente con la peticià ³n de ajuste de estatus no es necesario pagar una cuota a mayores por estos dos permisos. En otras palabras, la cuota est incluida en la de ajuste de estatus. Todos los documentos adjuntos que se presenten deben traducirse al idioma inglà ©s y certificarlo, si es que estn redactados en otra lengua.  ¿Cundo se presenta formulario I-485 ajuste de estatus? El momento en que se puede enviar el formulario para el ajuste de estatus depende de la razà ³n por la que el migrante saca la green card. En la mayorà a de los casos necesitar que exista una visa disponible para su categorà a. Por ejemplo, el cà ³nyuge de un residente permanente es categorà a F2A. No puede enviar los documentos para solicitar el ajuste mientras el boletà n de visas que publica todos los meses el Departamento de Estado no diga que ya hay visa disponible segà ºn la fecha de prioridad de la aplicacià ³n del migrante. Sin embargo, hay casos excepcionales en los que se puede presentar la solicitud de ajuste en el momento en que ya se solicita la green card. Por ejemplo, en el caso de peticià ³n de cà ³nyuge, padres o hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os por parte un ciudadano estadounidense.  ¿Cul es el costo del formulario I-485? Pueden darse las siguientes situaciones: Menor de 14 aà ±os que aplica con al menos un progenitor: $750Menor de 14 aà ±os que no aplica con ningà ºn progenitor: $1.140Migrantes entre 14 y 78 aà ±os de edad: $1.225, incluye servicio biomà ©tricoMigrantes de 79 aà ±os o ms: $1.140Migrantes admitidos a EE.UU. como refugiados: $0 Segà ºn las circunstancias, algunos migrantes podrà an calificar por un waiver para no pagar la tarifa. Sin embargo, antes de solicitarlo es conveniente asesorarse con un abogado ya que podrà a dar lugar al rechazo de la peticià ³n de ajuste de estatus por motivo de carga pà ºblica. Esta cuota se puede pagar mediante money order, cheque personal o cashiers check contra una cuenta en un banco de Estados Unidos o mediante tarjeta de crà ©dito. Para esto à ºltimo debe completarse el formulario G-1450. La tarifa no se regresa si el ajuste de estatus no es aprobado. Huellas digitales para ajuste de estatus Los migrantes entre 14 y 78 aà ±os recibirn una carta para que en un dà a y una hora determinada se presenten en un ACS para la toma de huellas digitales, fotografà as y para firmar que todo lo que han dicho en su solicitud de ajuste de estatus es verdad. USCIS puede negar el ajuste de estatus si el migrante no firma o si no se presenta en el ACS la fecha indicada y no solicità ³ previamente un cambio de dà a y/o hora.  ¿Cunto se demora el ajuste de estatus? En la actualidad, el ajuste de estatus est sufriendo notables retrasos. Por ejemplo, el Centro de California se est demorando entre 8 meses y 43 meses y medio. El Centro de Texas, entre 14 y 41 meses. Entre los factores que explican la diferencia de tiempo en un mismo centro de USCIS pueden estar la necesidad de realizar entrevistas o no o la solicitud de documentacià ³n adicional por parte de USCIS. Es posible verificar los retrasos medios en la pgina oficial de USCIS. En la casilla de Form, seleccionar I-485 y en la de Field Office o Service Center, elegir la del centro que està © gestionando la aplicacià ³n. Adems, existen diversos medios para contactar con USCIS para verificar el estatus del caso.  ¿Se puede trabajar/viajar mientras se espera por ajuste de estatus? Se puede trabajar una vez que se recibe el permiso de trabajo, a menos que se tenga ya uno emitido que continà ºa siendo vlido. No se deberà a viajar al extranjero sin tener en mano el advance parole aprobado, ya que el migrante se arriesga a que se le impida regresar a EE.UU. Incluso con ese permiso aprobado los migrantes en situacià ³n de indocumentados deberà an consultar con un abogado antes de viajar. USCIS y negacià ³n de ajuste de estatus Una peticià ³n de ajuste de estatus puede ser negada porque se considera al migrante como inadmisible. En la actualidad, es conveniente tener en cuenta las nuevas directrices del gobierno sobre el problema llamado carga pà ºblica. Novios y esposos: consideraciones a tener en cuenta En el caso de relaciones familiares existe la tentacià ³n de que el novio o cà ³nyuge extranjero ingrese a EE.UU. e intentar arreglar la situacià ³n migratoria mediante la solicitud de un ajuste de estatus y asà evitar una separacià ³n larga, que es lo que sucede con las aplicaciones en las que se va a travà ©s del proceso consular. Sin embargo, cabe destacar que sin darse cuenta se està © cometiendo un fraude de ley, cuando el cà ³nyuge extranjero o el novio de un ciudadano estadounidense ingresa como turista con la intencià ³n de quedarse en EE.UU. y solicitar una green card. Para evitar problemas de este tipo es conveniente tenerlo presente y dejar transcurrir un tiempo prudente desde el ingreso del cà ³nyuge o novio extranjero hasta el momento de solicitar el ajuste de estatus o, en el caso de prometidos, de la celebracià ³n del matrimonio. En la actualidad se exige un tiempo mayor que en el pasado. Este artà culo no es asesorà a legal. Tiene un carcter meramente informativo.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
An outline marketing plan for the next year for Atlantic Quench 308 Essay
An outline marketing plan for the next year for Atlantic Quench 308 - Essay Example This paper will present an outline marketing plan report that suggests a marketing strategy for AQC cranberry juice for the next one year. It will highlight the positioning, marketing mix, and marketing communication strategy for the company, which will based on a provisional budget that seeks to attain 20% growth in the next one year. In the UK and across the world, juice is consumed in numerous households. However, in the past decade, the juice market has suffered the adverse effects as the popularity of diets that are low-carb in nature has increased. The constant price sales between 2008 and 2014 have declined by up to 15%, although sales are expected to increase slightly by the end of 2015 (Falguera & Ibarz, 2014: p47). Still, there has been growth in the functional and healthy juice product line with consumers presently looking for natural and healthy juices. A recent survey by Mintell (2012: p33) concluded that approximately 90% of the juice consumer market are now actively looking for products that are 100% juice, while nutrient of vitamin enhancement was essential for ~65% of consumers and 25% and 50% of consumers look for low-carb and low-sugar juice products respectively. Mintel (2012: p33) identifies relatively high consumption of juice fruit in households with high income and children, along with hous eholds with younger adults as the heads. Households with children, overall, show increased rates of juice consumption, which emphasizes the importance of young families to the fruit juice market. This paper will present a report on AQC’s marketing plan for the next year between January and December 2015. The marketing plan’s aim is to capture at least 20% of the juice industry market share within this period of one year. The juice market has a high level of segmentation with refrigerated juices holding more than 40% of the segment, while also showing an increase of 4.2% between 2012 and 2013 (statista.com, 2013:
Monday, February 3, 2020
The Success of Saudi Economic Policies According to Islamic Financing Literature review - 1
The Success of Saudi Economic Policies According to Islamic Financing Principles - Literature review Example The structure of society in Saudi Arabia is a monarchy, which means that patriarchal values of hereditary power are enshrined in all the internal political organisations. It is not like the monarchy which exists in the UK, where the Queen has a largely ceremonial role, but rather it is a non-democratic institution where the ruling royal family occupy the positions of power and decision-making. King and Prime Minister Abdallah bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud have been both chief of state and head of government since 2005, and all members of the council of ministers are appointed by him. (CIA, 2010) Female members of the Royal family and other respected women can and do occupy prominent positions with impressive job titles such as Princess Dr al-Jawhara bint Fahd al-Saud who was an undersecretary for education for women's colleges and Dr Nora Alyousuf, who is one of only six state-appointed â€Å"parliamentary advisors†but their powers are limited and many people view these appointment s as a cosmetic touch to distract from the lack of influence that Saudi women have in society. It would be wrong to assume, however, that royal power is always used to oppress women in modern Saudi Arabia and in fact over the last ten years there have been a number of royal decrees which call for the setting up of organisations which review and reform Saudi social and political structures. The royal decree of March 9, 2004, called for the establishment of an Institution for Human Rights and another one of Sept.12 2005 set up an official Saudi Committee for Human Rights. The structure of society in Saudi Arabia is a monarchy, which means that patriarchal values of hereditary power are enshrined in all the internal political organisations. It is not like the monarchy which exists in the UK, where the Queen has a largely ceremonial role, but rather it is a non-democratic institution where the ruling royal family occupy the positions of power and decision-making. King and Prime M inister Abdallah bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud have been both chief of state and head of government since 2005, and all members of the council of ministers are appointed by him. (CIA, 2010) Female members of the Royal family and other respected women can and do occupy prominent positions with impressive job titles such as Princess Dr al-Jawhara bint Fahd al-Saud who was an undersecretary for education for women's colleges and Dr Nora Alyousuf, who is one of only six state-appointed â€Å"parliamentary advisors†but their powers are limited and many people view these appointments as a cosmetic touch to distract from the lack of influence that Saudi women have in society. It would be wrong to assume, however, that royal power is always used to oppress women in modern Saudi Arabia and in fact over the last ten years there have been a number of royal decrees which call for the setting up of organisations which review and reform Saudi social and political structures. The royal decre e of March 9, 2004, called for the establishment of an Institution for Human Rights and another one of Sept.12 2005 set up an official Saudi Committee for Human Rights.Â
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Building The Skill To Administer Intramuscular Injections
Building The Skill To Administer Intramuscular Injections The aim of this essay is to reflect on how I have become competent in a particular clinical skill. The clinical skill I have selected is administering intramuscular (IM) injections. I will provide a rationale for choosing this skill and use appropriate literature to demonstrate my knowledge underpinning this skill. Although there are five sites for administration of IM injections, for the purpose of this essay I will discuss only two of the sites. Firstly, the dorsogluteal (DG) site as this is the site I used when giving IM injections in line with the local trust policies and procedures. Secondly I will discuss the ventrogluteal (VG) site, as recent literature has shown this site to be the safest to use when administering IM injections. I will then reflect on my learning and how I have become competent in this area. There is a need for nurses to be skilled in the administration of intramuscular injections in the learning disability field. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) (2006) suggests that when de-escalation and intensive nursing techniques have failed to calm the patient and they are at risk of harming themselves or others, then rapid tranquillisation should be used as a last resort. Although oral tranquilisation will be offered first, due to the high state of aggression, agitation or excitement the patient may be unable to give their consent. Therefore the 1983 Mental Health Act and the guidance on Consent to Treatment (DH 2002) must be followed. Consequently, rapid tranquilisation will be achieved by the administration of medication through IM injection to control severe mental and behavioural episodes and to calm the patient quickly. Greenway (2006) suggests that IM injections are generally likely to happen in association with the administering of antipsychotic medication in the form of depot injections and/or rapid tranquilisation, for managing mental illness and/or challenging behaviour for people with a learning disability. Greenway also implies that there will only be a small number of learning disability nurses that will actually use the skill of administering IM injections after they have qualified, due to a decline in depot administration. However, the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) (2004) identifies that the role of the learning disability nurse is forever changing and the administration of injections will depend on the client group and the practice areas in which they work. They recognise that it is a key challenge for learning disability nurses to update their knowledge and maintain competence in a skill that they may use infrequently. Irrespective of this, the clinical procedure should be develope d and maintained in line with evidence based practice, regardless of how often it is used. The administration of IM injections is a vital component of medication management and is a common nursing intervention in clinical areas. Less pain to the patient and unnecessary complications can be avoided by the nurse being skilled in the injection technique used (Hunter 2008). The National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) (2007) notes that the injecting of medication is complicated and patients can be put at risk. Incompetency, lack of training and varying knowledge levels of nurses were factors highlighted in errors made around injecting medicines. Adhering to the aseptic technique during preparation and administration of the injection, and inspecting the injection site for any signs of skin deterioration are vitally important to prevent infection and complications (Dougherty 2008). Alexander et al (2009) describe the correct way to give an intramuscular injection in the DG site using the Z tracking technique. Using the thumb or the side of the non-dominant hand stretch the skin taught over the site of injection maintaining the tautness during the procedure. With a darting motion, insert the needle at 90 degrees to the skin, 2-3mm of the needle should be exposed at the surface and the graduation marks on the syringe barrel must be visible throughout. Use the remaining fingers of the non-dominant hand to steady the syringe barrel, whilst using the dominant hand to pull back on the plunger to aspirate. If blood appears all equipment should be discarded and the procedure should be started again. It is safe to carry on if no blood appears. The plunger should be depressed at a rate of 1ml per 10 seconds to give the muscle fibres time to expand and accommodate the drug. After a further 10 seconds remove the needle and then release the traction on the skin. The injection site may be wiped with dry gauze if need be. A plaster can be applied if the patient requires and if they have no known allergy to latex, iodine or elastoplasts. Controversy lies around the site area chosen for administering the IM injection. Although the DG site is the traditional choice by nurses for the administration of IM injection there are risks associated with this site of injection. The DG site is situated in the upper outer quadrant of the buttock and is often landmarked by visually quartering the buttock horizontally and vertically, then repeating this action in the top right hand square. Evidence shows that the use of this site for IM injection can run the risk of injury to the sciatic nerve and the superior gluteal artery (Small 2004). Additionally it can cause skin and tissue trauma, muscle fibrosis and contracture, nerve palsy and paralysis as well as infection (Zimmerman 2010). The belief by nurses that the VG site is hard to landmark suggests reluctance on their part to change a practice they are competent in. Although once nurses have become familiar with location of the VG site and the surrounding anatomy, they will become confident in using this site (Greenway 2006). Hunter (2008) suggests to locate the VG site the nurse should place the palm of her right hand on the patients left hip (the greater trochanter), then make a v by extending the index finger to the anterior iliac spine. The injection is given in the middle of the v in the gluteus medius muscle. Administering IM injections using anatomical features leads to a more specific and correct way of carrying out the procedure. In contrast to the DG site, the VG site has no major complications associated with the administration of IM injections. Zimmerman (2010) also strongly advocates the use of the VG site. Although there appears to be a lack of current evidence for choosing the VG site rather than the DG site for rapid tranquilisation during restraint of a patient. Because of the nature of the situation during this procedure, safety for all involved has to be considered. Local policies should be utilised for specific guidance on positioning the patient safely and for use of specific holds needed to allow the VG site to be landmarked and the injection administered. The VG site can be used if the patient is prone, semi-prone or supine (Greenway 2006).However, following a literature review of damage to the sciatic nerve from IM injections, Small (2004) recommends that the VG site should be chosen over the DG site for IM injection. Zimmerman (2010) concurs with this, strongly advocating the use of the VG sit e for IM injections of more than 1ml in patients over the age of seven months. More evidence for choosing the VG site is a study carried out by Nisbet (2006) showing that the subcutaneous fat level of the DG site is significantly higher than that of the VG site. It also showed that penetration of the target muscle at the DG site was only 57 percent meaning the remainder of the injection would deposit into the subcutaneous fat leading to a deficit in the uptake of the drug. Emerson (2005) reports an increased risk of obesity in people with a learning disability. In one study 90 percent of adult females and 44 percent of adult males had fat deposits in the DG site area that were one inch deeper than the shorter IM needles would reach (Zaybak et al, 2007). The VG site has a shorter distance to the targeted muscle and is a safe alternative choice for the administration of an IM injection, Greenway (2006), Small (2004) and Zimmerman (2010) suggest it is time for professionals to rethink the site of IM injections in people with a learning disability. I will now discuss how I have become competent in carrying out this clinical skill and to do this I will use a reflective model. Reflection is a way in which nurses can bridge the theory-practice gap. The process of reflective practice allows the nurse to explore, through experience, reflection and action, areas for developing their practice and skills. It is an important part of gaining knowledge and understanding. The use of a recognised framework allows for a more structured approach when reflecting upon practice (Johns, 1995). I have decided to use Gibbs (1998) Reflective Cycle, as it provides a straight forward and structural framework and encourages a clear description of the situation, analysis of feelings, evaluation of the experience, analysis to make sense of the experience, conclusion where other options are considered and reflection upon experience to examine what the nurse would do should the situation arise again. In describing what happened in learning this skill the theory of experiential learning can also be used as a framework. The theory of experiential learning was developed by Steinaker and Bell (1979). The Experiential Taxonomy highlights 4 levels of learning that the nurse will go through in learning a new skill i.e. exposure and participation, identification, internalisation and dissemination. During exposure there is a consciousness of the event and the nurse will have observed a competent practitioner carry out the task. In this case I had an awareness of needing to be able to administer IM injections competently due to the client group involved. In my first week of placement I observed a qualified nurse administering PRN and depot IM injections several times while the nurse talked me through the procedure step by step. As she was demonstrating the procedure and talking me through it my thoughts and feeling at the time were that I would not be able to remember all the steps needed to administer the IM injection safely and I was also feeling anxious about potentially causing pain and/or injury to the patient. Participation involves the nurse becoming part of the experience. After observing the practice I participated in the drawing up of the injection and then administering it. Identification involves the nurse becoming competent in the skill. On reflection as soon as I started on placement I realised that I would have to gain as much experience as I could administering IM injections, not just the actual procedure of giving the injection but also the knowledge to underpin this skill. Internalisation occurs when the new skill becomes part of everyday routine. Several weeks into my placement I felt that I had eventually become competent in administering IM injections, my anxieties began to lessen and I started to feel more confident that I was becoming proficient in carrying out the procedure. I found that the more times I carried out the procedure the better I felt about it. Dissemination involves the nurse being able to influence others and showing others how to carry out the skill. Although this was only my second placement I feel totally competent in carrying out the task. I also feel that I have a good understanding of the underpinning knowledge involved. Therefore I feel I would be able to teach others how to do this. On reflection I do not think I would have learned this skill any other way, I have realised that initial anxieties about carrying out a new task are usual. But I will have to remember this will pass as I practice more and become more experienced. I have also realised through reflection the importance of having underpinning knowledge in relation to clinical skills and understanding why we do things rather than just simply learning how to do them. In conclusion, this assignment has explored one clinical skill in which I have gained competence. A rationale was provided in that IM injections are an important part of everyday life for the client group involved. IM injections are considered to be a routine procedure, it is a valuable and necessary skill for nurses. To provide safe practice and ensure accurate and therapeutic drug administration, the nurse should use clinical judgement when choosing the injection site, understand the relevant anatomy and physiology, as well as the principles for administering an IM injection. By using a reflective model and theory in relation to experiential learning I have discussed my own personal and professional development in terms of my knowledge and skill acquisition in this area of clinical practice.
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